‘Weather Control’ is Currently Happening – Dr. Michio Kaku [Video]

AnonGroup.org – In a clip aired on mainstream television outlet CBS a few years ago, physicist Dr. Michio Kaku accidentally admitted that the skies were being sprayed with nanoparticles and “lasers” to modify the weather.

While people who are familiar with covert geoengineering and our skies being sprayed know for a fact this is happening, rarely is it admitted by people in positions of influence.

People in positions of influence propose that the skies be sprayed to “combat climate change,” but they never exactly admit it is already happening: in this little known slip-up, a mainstream scientist admitted it.

In the interview, Michio Kaku briefly dips into the history of weather modification (in little detail compared to extensive works, such as the book “Chemtrails Exposed: a New Manhattan Project”) Continue reading