Journey From Illegal Alien Invader to Newcomer to Democrat

Journey From Illegal Alien Invader to Newcomer to DemocratRobin M. Itzler – When Biden entered the Oval Office following the fraudulent 2020 presidential election (81 million votes…ROFL) he and his puppeteers immediately undid everything that President Trump put in place to secure our southern border. At the time, many Americans were dumbfounded. Don’t Biden and his puppeteers know what will happen if the border is left wide open?

The answer is that destroying the United States was always the Democrat party’s plan. Having 10 million (and growing) illegal alien invaders is the easiest way to destroy America. It doesn’t matter to Biden & Company if some illegal invaders are injuring, raping, and murdering Americans. Continue reading

The DNC Con Job to Come

The DNC Con Job to ComeJohn F. Di Leo – We watch the news clips, on our televisions or computer screens, and cringe, as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris stumble over their words, even uttering gibberish when prepared remarks are on the printed page in front of them. It has been clear from the start that neither one is up to the intellectual requirements of this (or any) job.

When we can manage a sense of humor, we laugh and attribute it to dementia with Biden, to sheer stupidity with Harris.

When we are not in a mood to laugh, however, we reflect on what it means to our reputation on the world stage, as our enemies — military, economic, and cultural — delight in our momentary weakness and move to take advantage while the getting is good. Continue reading

The Inevitable Fracturing of the Democrat Party

The Inevitable Fracturing of the Democrat PartySteve McCann – The Democrat Party is not a homogenous entity, but an amalgamation of various left-wing factions now overwhelmingly dominated by its smallest and most radical element, the avowed anti-Semitic and racist American Marxists. However, the largest group and underpinning of the Party are the credulous, patronizing, and narcissistic liberals who, in their naiveté, willfully allied themselves with any group virulently opposed to conservatives and Republicans.

While living in their cocoons among the likeminded, they chose to ignore the Marxist’s inexorable infiltration of the Democrat Party as well as their declared intention to transform America into a socialist “paradise” which will devour these same liberal elites. Continue reading

Trump and the Tower of Lies

Trump and the Tower of LiesJ.R. Dunn – We’re truly living in a Philip K. Dick world. A world in which we’re expected to believe, with the strength of conviction, synthetic constructs without a single grain of truth to them while rejecting and reviling obvious straightforward concepts about the world and its workings that have been accepted since the days of the Serengeti.

This is a world in which one of the rarest personality disorders in existence balloons overnight from a few dozen to nearly a million “victims,” victims whose suffering can be alleviated only by unceasing brutality, viciousness, and insult directed at young women. (Note that it is almost always, with the occasional exception of a J.K. Rowling or Camille Paglia, young women who are targeted.) Continue reading

The FBI is Now a Democrat SuperPAC

The FBI is Now a Democrat SuperPACBrian C. Joondeph, M.D. – The FBI’s mission is “To protect the American people and uphold the U.S. Constitution.” Their motto is “Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity”.

How is the FBI doing on these fronts?

What are they protecting the American people from? Are they upholding the Constitution? Who is their fidelity to? Do they act with integrity?

The current FBI fails on all these counts. They have morphed from the premier law enforcement agency in the world to a Democrat party superPAC. Continue reading