Dangerous Leftist Policies Threaten To Collapse Society

My Journey from Frustration to Outrage to Seething Anger
Image by Andrea Widburg

Lewis Dovland – I have had it. My past sense of frustration with the damaging policies of the left has moved to outrage and anger because I’m finally seeing the results of the Big Picture in action.

The movement from mere disagreement on key policies to the left’s raw, full-throated imposition of their ideas using administrative actions rather than legislation has placed our society in danger of collapse and the real possibility of a major world war.

A combination of evil psychopaths and craven, effete professors misled and miseducated the bulk of our citizenry, creating cadres of Lenin’s ‘Useful Idiots’ that can be spun up into mobs on a moment’s notice. This, combined with the bumbling ineptitude and ignorance in our administrative state, all add to my outrage. Continue reading

The DNC Con Job to Come

The DNC Con Job to ComeJohn F. Di Leo – We watch the news clips, on our televisions or computer screens, and cringe, as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris stumble over their words, even uttering gibberish when prepared remarks are on the printed page in front of them. It has been clear from the start that neither one is up to the intellectual requirements of this (or any) job.

When we can manage a sense of humor, we laugh and attribute it to dementia with Biden, to sheer stupidity with Harris.

When we are not in a mood to laugh, however, we reflect on what it means to our reputation on the world stage, as our enemies — military, economic, and cultural — delight in our momentary weakness and move to take advantage while the getting is good. Continue reading