Hillary Won’t Win Presidency [Video w/ Transcript]

DNC and Clinton Exposed for Rigging Democratic Primary

Greg Hunter – It’s now been totally exposed the Democratic National Committee (DNC) rigged the primary in favor of Hillary Clinton. This is a turning point that says no way Clinton can be elected without nearly half the Democratic voters that supported Bernie Sanders.


A WikiLeaks email dump at the beginning of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia showed clear evidence the DNC committed fraud and collusion against all candidates and rigged the Primary in favor of Hillary Clinton.

Outraged and disenfranchised Sanders voters are protesting by the thousands, and yet, the mainstream media, by and large, will not cover the protests taking place outside the DNC convention.

These are mostly young people who voted or worked diligently for the Sander’s campaign.  Greg Hunter says Clinton will get only a small percentage of Sander’s voters, and the rest will vote for Donald Trump, another candidate or simply say home.  Hillary is toast and will not become the President of the United States.

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SF Source USA Watchdog  July 2016

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