Democrats No Longer Support Lockdowns

lockdownSean Adl-Tabatabai – In response to an imminent Trump re-election, Democrats are now scrambling to distance themselves from the lockdown policies they previously enthusiastically supported.

According to a new Politico report, Democrats are hesitant to shut things down again in the wake of Omicron.

“From New York to California, Democratic mayors and governors are fighting to keep schools and businesses open with an urgency they haven’t flexed before in the pandemic,” the report states. Continue reading

Who Will Still Be in Office One Year From Now?

Shane Harris It’s incredible to think that just eleven months ago, Democrats were celebrating unified control of government for the first time in more than a decade. They had lost seats in the House but still managed to hang on to the gavel, Joe Biden had secured the White House, and two runoff elections in Georgia handed the party the slimmest of majorities in the Senate. It was a narrow victory to be sure, but they were jubilant nonetheless.

Less than one year in, however, almost everyone agrees that the Democratic Party is in freefall. As a litany of crises induced by ill-advised policies sweep the country, Democrats’ grip on power is now endangered by a disgruntled American public, a newly energized Republican Party, and internal divisions threatening to tear the Democrat coalition apart.

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The Big Truth: Election 2020 Really Was Rigged

US Elections 2020James Arlandson – Mollie Hemingway has written a blockbuster book about all the strands of deception and falsehoods that converged to take down Donald Trump on Nov. 3 and 4 and beyond (and before) in her book: Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech and the Democrats Seized Our Elections (Regnery, 2021).  I twice asked two Barnes and Noble stores in two weeks whether they had it in stock, and each time — no. So I finally had to order it online.

It has ten chapters, plus a prologue and an epilogue. The total number of endnotes is 1,243 (I added them up), many having extensive commentaries. Only a large and excellent team of researchers could put together a book like this, and she credits them by name in her acknowledgments. Continue reading

Democrats Blame ‘White Supremacy’ for Black, Hispanic Wins

Sean Adl-Tabatabai – Democrats are now blaming Republicans’ big Tuesday win with black and Hispanic voters on ‘white supremacy.’

Yes, really.

Democrats have always relied on race baiting and false flags to win elections, but recently have dumbed down their technique to the same accusation every single time: Republican candidates and their voters are white supremacists. reports: They were entrenched in this narrative by the time returns poured in revealing GOP candidate Glenn Youngkin’s upset win over former Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe in the Virginia gubernatorial race.

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They Intend to Destroy America

Frances Piven & Richard Andrew Cloward

Jeff M. Lewis – If you’re thinking that Biden’s policies are destroying America, you’re right. And the worst part is that this is exactly what Democrats want.

Richard Andrew Cloward and Francis Fox Piven were both Columbia University professors and long-time members of the Democrat Socialist Party. They were the authors of the Cloward-Piven strategy (paraphrased from Cloward–Piven strategy – Wikipedia): Continue reading