Time Lines

“The great war machines of the world are now massing together. In the Holy Land we see the beginning of the end for earth. Once again Egypt and Israel. Is it not significant? And it shall grow and grow.

The greatest battle that has ever been seen shall take place not only amongst those who fight their fellowmen but also amongst the elements.

The Earth itself will find a battlefield. The Forces of nature shall be unleashed because of man’s wrong thinking and doing, as he has worshipped in word and not deed, and has not served the Master.”  Quote from the book Secret of the Andes by Brother Philip. 1961.

Elva Thompson – We seem to be at ground zero. A reality where sick little boys and their life killing toys are playing war. The conflicts are financed by a bunch of devil worshipping elites, egged on by greedy corporations and their political hacks. The agenda is to murder billions of people and rule over whatever is left in their new smart world. Continue reading