When Traffickers Run The Justice System

traffickingDannielle Blumenthal, PhD – When it comes to trafficking, pedophilia, and the associated blackmail, you hit a “glass ceiling.” You have a world where some of the truth is told, but there is no real public accountability when the crime hits a certain threshold of power. Consider:

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were a team. That Epstein was [is? not sure I believe he is dead] an “intelligence asset” with wired homes and videotapes. Why does nobody ask about the countries which used the fruit of his poisonous tree? Continue reading

What Would Pierre Delecto Do?

General FlynnClarice Feldman – This week Mitt Romney confessed that he was posting on Twitter under the absurd moniker Pierre Delecto and set up himself for some serious online satirizing.

It’s way overdue. The #NeverTrumpers in the Republican party have exposed themselves as Democrat Me Tooers. They do themselves, their party, and the nation no favors. As the Russian collusion nonsense fades into the ether absent any fact basis and the Schiff-Pelosi impeachment funhouse proceedings head in the same direction, some congressional Republicans, like the brave band that shut down the Miami-Dade vote harvesting charade in the Bush-Gore election, stood up at last for fair play. Mollie Hemingway is dead right. Continue reading