When Traffickers Run The Justice System

traffickingDannielle Blumenthal, PhD – When it comes to trafficking, pedophilia, and the associated blackmail, you hit a “glass ceiling.” You have a world where some of the truth is told, but there is no real public accountability when the crime hits a certain threshold of power. Consider:

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were a team. That Epstein was [is? not sure I believe he is dead] an “intelligence asset” with wired homes and videotapes. Why does nobody ask about the countries which used the fruit of his poisonous tree?

Cathy O’Brien, Sue Arrigo, Brice Taylor, Fiona Barnett, Tracy Jo Remington, Jessica Leigh Collins, Sarah Ruth Ashcraft, David Shurter, Frida Halliday, and Allyson Carter (a.k.a. “Ally”/Instagram: @XoOdyssey) have all named themselves and all come forward to make serious accusations against people at the highest levels of power in America, up to and including Presidents. Even if one of them isn’t telling the truth, or is mentally unwell, do you really believe that can be true of all of them?

Lin Wood is only the latest in a string of advocates for victims, or journalists who shook the branches of power, to suffer retaliation for his efforts. He follows Liz Crokin, Timothy Holmseth, Ben Swann, David Seaman, Ronan Farrow, and the deceased Jen Moore, Andrew Breitbart, Max Spiers, and Michael Hastings. Probably more.

Trafficking is intersectional: classism, sexism, and racism all wrapped up into one neat and poisonous package. But because we cannot talk about the classism in particular–the elite feast off the common people–what we get instead is an endless drumbeat of talk about racism and racism alone.

On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the world makes a big show of mouthing platitudes: “never forget,” “never again,” “survivors share their stories.”

But just like with trafficking, the effort is always deliberately kept to a level below the power grid. We aren’t allowed to disrupt the official narrative. We aren’t allowed to ask what happened afterward, why the “angel of death,” Josef Mengele, mysteriously escaped and went on to live his life to old age. We aren’t allowed to wonder at exactly what the U.S. government did to take advantage of the skills of the Nazis.

It would be too “dangerous” for us to know the truth, and just like with sex trafficking, the incomplete answers we receive are false and a disservice to all of us. Not only do they not solve problems, but they actually create the conditions for another Holocaust to occur.

A nation led by propaganda, will also be a nation destroyed by propaganda.

How can you and I make a difference? Well, we don’t administer the Justice Department. We aren’t the President of the United States. We can’t see to it that the true perpetrators have their trials televised.

But we can be aware that character attacks, censorship, harassment, and even murder are all tools that perpetrators use, and that the story of what they did to our Nation has never truly been told.

It is in that context that we can view the heroic actions of people who decide that the truth is more important than their personal concerns.

And who, in some cases, are literally buried for it.

SF Source Dannielle Blumenthal Feb 2021

3 thoughts on “When Traffickers Run The Justice System

  1. I am former U.S. Secret Service, SDPD, U.S. Mint Police, Private Investigator, U.S. Customs at the Southern Border and a Major Whistleblower and I investigate Trafficking and assist other whistleblowers and trafficked people.
    I know a few names on that list.
    I am reaching out to talk to others and I do radio shows with David Zublick on Dark Outpost Mondays and am very familiar with the MK-Ultra as I am the SS Offical that first interviewed John W. Hinckley in front of the White House in 1976 The Duty Agent FAILED to get Hinckley to St. Elizabeth’s Mental Hospital in Wash.D.C..(5 years later Hinckley shot Brady, Delahunty, McCarthy NOT Reagan) 1981 March 30, 1981..
    So most All this information is TRUE. Please contact me here: john.a.carman@gmail.com

  2. I am former U.S. Secret Service, SDPD, U.S. Mint Police, Private Investigator, U.S. Cutooms at the Border and a Major Whistleblower and I investigate Trafficking and assist other whistleblowers and trafficked people.
    I know a few name on that list.
    I am reaching out to talk to others and I do radio shows with David Zublick on Dark Outpost Mondays and am very familiar th the MK-Ultra as I am the SS Offical that first interviewed John W. Hinckley in front of the White House in 1976 The Duty Agent FAILED to get Hinckley to St. Elizabeth’s Mental Hospital in Wash.D.C..(5 years later Hinckley shot Brady, Delahunty, McCarthy NOT Reagan) 1981 March 30, 1981..
    So most All this information is TRUE. Please contact me here: john.a.carman@gmail.com

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