You Are Powerful, Beautiful And Extraordinary

You Are Powerful, Beautiful And ExtraordinaryJafree Ozwald – No matter what happens to you in life, remember this one sweet understanding. You are powerful beyond measure, beautiful beyond words and truly an extraordinary being who has access to unlimited love, creativity and pleasure!

All this is available inside you now. To access it, sit with the investigation of this understanding for a few minutes and see what happens! You might discover some resistance, denial or perhaps the realization that this amazing fact is already true within you all the time.

“Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.” – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

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Your Connection To Spirit Is Always Right There

Your Connection To Spirit Is Always Right ThereLuitha K Tamaya – You are loved and held safe beyond anything you can imagine.

As you live your life, know that even when everything seems like it’s falling apart, the whole world is in chaos and you can’t make sense of any of it – you are loved, and you are safe. You are with Spirit.

You are a light in the world, a light of infinite joy that can never be put out or hidden. You are a blessing born from the heart of Spirit, and so long as you remember that you can and will find peace in any situation. Continue reading

How To Instantly Increase Self Confidence

Depeche Mode

Jafree Ozwald – One of the most effective keys to manifesting a life that you love is creating self-confidence. When you feel great about yourself, you send out a powerful positive vibration into the Universe that comes back in the form of amazing opportunities, more abundance, new perspectives and healthier enlightening relationships. Having self-confidence is like a magic wand in your pocket. You can pull it out whenever you want and wave it around knowing that you have the power to manifest anything!

“Success is a journey, not a destination – half the fun is getting there.” ~Gita Bellin

Perhaps the greatest misunderstanding of all about self confidence is people believe only a few people have it and its very hard to create. Self confidence is actually one of the simplest and easiest things to experience. The secret is this…learning how to deeply relax in your body.

When you take time to relax, let go of your life and rest deep inside, you immediately open up and start connecting with the divine all-powerful sacred Self hidden within. From this place you naturally tap into the feeling that anything is possible! You literally feel unstoppable in your life and know that you’ll be taken care of all along the way.

The more connected you are with this sweet sacred divine essence within you, the faster and easier you manifest your desires and the more confident you become! So make time today to slow down from the rat race and rest for 5 minutes in a simple sacred personal connection within yourself. Once you make it into a daily habit, it will transform your entire life!

“Life is like a wild tiger. You can either lie down and let it lay its paw on your head – or sit on its back and ride it.” ~Ride the Wild Tiger

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The Secrets To Enlightening Your Life

Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Beings

“The mind covers up reality without knowing it. To know the nature of the mind, you need intelligence, the capacity to look at the mind in silent and dispassionate awareness.” ~ Nisargadatta

consciousnessEvery experience that life brings you is a gift to enlighten the path in front of you. No matter how negative the experience is, you can always find some way to make a nourishing lemonade out of those sour lemons. You have the alchemist power within you to transform the worst demons you meet on the road into angels with wings sent from heaven. All you need is a simple shift in your perception. By knowing what is true and what is just a thought flying through your mind you can become free from potential future suffering.

The way you see the world determines everything. Who you are being is shaped by that which you see. Someone who can only sees the good in others can only feel good inside themselves. We automatically feel what we are focusing on. If you could train your mind to think only positive thoughts about your present predicament, then only positive feelings would be experienced by you. Your inner world is a reflection of what you place your attention upon.

The mind functions much like a movie projector, continuously playing movies, displaying images from the past and future onto the blank screen of consciousness. Naturally we are entertained by certain scenes that engage us emotionally, getting sucked into the drama and pulled into the story. This is where problems are created. When you start believing your inner movie is real.

If you become stressed, uptight or overwhelmed with life, start asking yourself this simple question, “What is reality and what is my imagination?” When you know the difference between these opposite worlds, and discover a world which was not born from your imagination, you’ll uncover the greatest secret to creating the happiest life you can imagine. Total freedom from your mind. This is the first step towards total transformation, the second step is finding peace with every movie that is still re-playing itself within you.

“God is there only if you surrender. Surrender makes anything God. Surrender gives you the eyes, and everything that is brought to these eyes becomes Divine.” ~Osho

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