How To Instantly Increase Self Confidence

Depeche Mode

Jafree Ozwald – One of the most effective keys to manifesting a life that you love is creating self-confidence. When you feel great about yourself, you send out a powerful positive vibration into the Universe that comes back in the form of amazing opportunities, more abundance, new perspectives and healthier enlightening relationships. Having self-confidence is like a magic wand in your pocket. You can pull it out whenever you want and wave it around knowing that you have the power to manifest anything!

“Success is a journey, not a destination – half the fun is getting there.” ~Gita Bellin

Perhaps the greatest misunderstanding of all about self confidence is people believe only a few people have it and its very hard to create. Self confidence is actually one of the simplest and easiest things to experience. The secret is this…learning how to deeply relax in your body.

When you take time to relax, let go of your life and rest deep inside, you immediately open up and start connecting with the divine all-powerful sacred Self hidden within. From this place you naturally tap into the feeling that anything is possible! You literally feel unstoppable in your life and know that you’ll be taken care of all along the way.

The more connected you are with this sweet sacred divine essence within you, the faster and easier you manifest your desires and the more confident you become! So make time today to slow down from the rat race and rest for 5 minutes in a simple sacred personal connection within yourself. Once you make it into a daily habit, it will transform your entire life!

“Life is like a wild tiger. You can either lie down and let it lay its paw on your head – or sit on its back and ride it.” ~Ride the Wild Tiger

When you open up yourself to investing in this sacred personal connection with the Divine Source, you learn how to honor and love yourself on a completely different level. You feel comfortable in your own skin, no matter how many hours, weeks or months you are alone.

By turning off the TV, putting away the books and games, and idle chit chat, you create time to have a deeper relationship with God. This is perhaps one of the most important things you can do in this life for when your life is over guess what will happen? You’ll be looking directly to God for direction and guidance. So its important to start now, and don’t wait another moment. This divine relationship will create more self-confidence than you’ll know what to do with.

You might ask yourself, what exactly is it that puts a smile on your face first thing in the morning? What makes you jump up and down and gives you the feeling of utter joy and excitement each time you think about it? Make a list of everything you can think of and the longer it is the better. When you get to know all those things that make your heart sing you start to understand what is really driving you in life.

Whatever it is that is motivating you is what is running the show behind your desires. These deeper core desires are like empty holes in our being that feel they are lacking love, not enough as you are, and can make you feel desperate inside. The real issue is not getting rid of your desires, its more about being aware of what they actually are about. Once you’re truly conscious of what is driving you in life, whether it be money, status, sex, love, approval or even the need to be right, you’ll be able to remain calm, clear and confident whenever they rise and try to take over your mind.

“Being content with what you have is priceless” – Buddha

When you’re able to master your desires, you truly have mastery over your mind. This will help you to transcend all your fears so that you are no longer feeling small and powerless in anything that you do. You can step into becoming that person who stands up for you, and believes in who you are when nobody else does! Through this self empowered space you’ll discover such a deep peace inside you that nothing can shake. This is what is the difference between real self confidence and self confidence that is false. One will be shaken by the storm, the other is sooo rooted that it enjoys the breeze brushing up against it.

SF Source Jafree Ozwald  September 7 2013

2 thoughts on “How To Instantly Increase Self Confidence

  1. I really liked your message about learning to deeply relax in your body tapping into the Divine all powerful sacred self within to achieve self confidence. Discovering what drives you is key. Fabulous read. Great information and perspective.

    1. Thanks for your comment. Jafree Ozwald does have a way of providing deep insight with his articles on well-being and personal development. Really appreciate your taking the time to write such an uplifting comment. Blessings ~G

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