Destiny Calling: Who Are You Really?

destiny callingDeborah King – You meet someone for the first time and one of the first questions you get asked is “What do you do?” You automatically assume the person wants to know how you earn your living.

You may mumble something like “Well, right now I’m paying my rent by being an Uber driver but I’m working on a script that will be the next big hit at the Sundance Film Festival!” Or maybe you say “I’m a teacher, but I’m burned out and exhausted.” Or a wistful, “I’d love to be an artist, but don’t know if that’s a real job.” So, you go to your weekly SoulCycle class, and you wonder when your real life will start. Continue reading

Destiny and Free Will

destinyOwen K Waters  In the Old Reality, things were seen as opposites – hot or cold, black or white, good or bad, this way or that way. In the expanded view of New Reality consciousness, life is seen in a unified way. Opposite sides of the coin are viewed, not as polar opposites, but rather as just being different aspects of the one coin.

In the New Reality view of the world, the opposite extremes of hot and cold become variable degrees of warmth. Black and white become, instead, endless shades of gray. Good and bad become different shades of human nature and these can be viewed without the judgment and fear that comes with Old Reality, polarized thinking. Continue reading

Oracle Report Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Full Moon in Aquarius/Pisces 5:56 pm ET/9:56 pm UT

Sun: 17 Leo – “a volunteer church choir makes a social event of rehearsal”

Higher Expression: shared endeavors, connecting with like-minded people, unified in beliefs, speaking up for self or the many, making the best of something

Lower Expression:  fear of speaking up for self / joining in / giving, holding back (and missing out) because one thinks they are not good enough

Earth: 17 Aquarius – “a watchdog standing guard, protecting his master and his possessions”

Higher Expression: watchful of signs (especially signs of assurance), protective of self and loved ones, awake and alert, loyalty, guardians, exposing the truth, fulfilling a mission

Lower Expression:  betrayal, emotionally walled off or disengaged, letting someone down, perceived losses

The Shepherd

Laura Walker – The Moon contacts the North and South Nodes (which represent the past and the future in astrology) early today, making this somewhat of a day of destiny.

Remember that for the remainder of the month, until the New Moon, we are identifying and grouping what we would like to release from our past and present experience of life (traumas) with the Total Solar Eclipse on August 21. Continue reading


destinyThe Angels – Today we wish to speak to you about the concept of “Destiny.” It is widely misunderstood upon your planet earth. You are not destined to do anything. You are free, creating in each moment.

Instead, you came into this lifetime with what we might call “Travel Plans.” There were certain people you wanted to meet, lessons you wanted to learn, and things you wanted to contribute. These things are very likely to happen. However, just as with any journey, you are free to change your plans along the way. At every given moment in time you begin, based on the vibration your emitting both consciously and unconsciously, to change your reality.

Suppose for example you were going to take a trip. You might know what route you are going to take. You might plan to meet a friend along the way. You might choose a restaurant en route for lunch. Then you get in the car. You realize the road is closed ahead or you hear of an amazing detour, so you change your route. You aren’t hungry when you thought you would be, so you change your lunch spot. Your friend can’t meet you, so you arrange to visit a few other places along the way. You still have the same goal in mind, but you’ve just shifted your reality along the way.

It is like this in your life. What you call “Destiny” is simply the soul’s firm conviction to experience a certain reality this lifetime, very much as a determination to stop and eat lunch exactly when you planned it. In reality you can change your “Destiny” with every conscious thought and every consciously designed feeling. Continue reading

Destiny is Variable

destinyOwen K Waters – In the Old Reality, things were seen as opposites – black or white, hot or cold, good or bad, this way or that way. In the expanded view of New Reality consciousness, life is seen in a unified way. Opposite sides of the coin are viewed, not as polar opposites, but rather as just being different aspects of the one coin.

In the New Reality view of the world, the opposite extremes of black and white become, instead, endless shades of gray. Hot and cold become variable degrees of warmth. Good and bad become different shades of human nature; free of the judgment, resentment and fear that comes with Old Reality, polarized thinking.

In the Old Reality, destiny and free will were seen as mutually exclusive. The reasoning was that, if destiny exists, then it controls everything and, therefore, free will does not exist. On the other hand, you can prove that free will does exist by making a choice. So, as the thinking goes, if free will does exist, then there can be no destiny.

But, wait. Perhaps that choice of “free will” was really a pre-destined one. Perhaps the person was destined to make that choice all along, so the experience of choice was just an illusion. At this point, people usually give up on the whole question because it has turned into one of those brain teasers, like asking which came first – the chicken or the egg.

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