Embrace the Power of Love in the Coming Year

Embrace the Power of Love in the Coming YearThe Angels – As your year draws to a close and humanity gives itself permission to release what no longer serves and to look forward with hope and dreams alive, we celebrate with you. We love that you take this time to look within, recalibrate your life, and clarify your desires. We love that you give yourself these markers in your eternal journey. Every moment that you spend attuning to the thoughts that give you joy is a moment closer to having your desires appear in your life.

Resolve this year that you will give yourselves permission to find thoughts and things to feel good about, no matter the circumstances around you. We are not predicting gloom and doom in this statement; we simply observe what you already see everywhere you look—the contrast in your world is becoming more and more evident as hearts awaken, and countless souls begin to bring their truth to the surface. Continue reading

Unlocking the Secrets of ‘Big Heart’ Relationships

Unlocking the Secrets of 'Big Heart' RelationshipsJennifer Hoffman – Have you ever loved someone so much that you were determined to make the relationship work out, no matter what it took?

Have you ever been in a relationship where you thought everything in your life depended on it?

Have you ever felt that you would die if someone wasn’t in your life (maybe not physically die but you just cannot imagine living your life without them)? Continue reading