Democrats Confused by Trump’s Positive Poll Numbers

trumpDick Morris – The Hill reported that Democrats and liberals are shocked as they look from their journalistic howitzers to discover that Trump’s ratings have not sagged and are near all-time highs. In between firing broadsides, they have noticed that their negative stories about Trump are having no effect on the president’s approval ratings. The Hill reported that Democrats are “scratching their heads” to understand why Trump is so “resilient.”

Trump’s 45.0 percent job approval in Tuesday’s average reflects his third best day since March of 2017.

Why are Trump’s numbers growing so steadily despite being subjected to such heavy fire after the Helsinki Summit?

The answer is the fable of the boy who cried “wolf.” The Democratic barrage, faithfully reported by the media, has been so constant and shrill that voters have become numb to the negative headlines. The lurid “revelations” of Trump’s misconduct have been repeated so often, they’ve lost their effect. Continue reading