The EPA Furthers The Carbon Tax Agenda With Deadly Human Experiments

NutritionalAnarchy  April 3 2014

DieselExhaustCollectedFromIdlingTruckOur friends and protectors at the Environmental Deception Protection Agency are so adamant about protecting us from air pollution that they are conducting dangerous experiments on human beings, some of them children.

Just to emphasize the importance of your soon-to-be-due carbon taxes, the EPA exposed vulnerable members of our population to deadly pollutants: the elderly, people with chronic health problems, and children.  What’s more – they never warned those participating in the study that the toxins they would be exposed to carried with them the risk of cancer and death.

Victims Participants were exposed to diesel exhaust particulates.  One study was called ”Asthma in Susceptible Children”.  Here are some pictures that show the process of the experiment.

The website first called out the EPA for their unethical experiments back in February of last year, when the EPA scrubbed their site of information regarding the unethical particulate experiment on children. (You can read their report here) This week, JunkScience went even further with their exposure of the twisted experiments:

GuyBreathingInCarbonLet’s see if we can summarize the human experiments scandal.

I have an ongoing effort, along with many others to do battle with the EPA on air pollution research that violates scientific rules on how to prove causation.

Milloy and I found out the EPA was doing human experiments under the radar exposing subjects to what EPA said was lethal and toxic, even carcinogenic air pollution.

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