What to Do When You are Feeling Stressed

In the modern world, it’s unlikely you will come across anybody who hasn’t felt the pressure and the anxiety of stress before. It is easy to become overwhelmed by what life throws at you, whether it’s work, family problems, or general ill mental health. Lots of people like to rely on traditional medications when it comes to stress, but this should never be your first resort, simply because it isn’t a sustainable long-term fix. Ideally, you should find ways to help you relax in a matter of seconds, where you can escape the stresses on your shoulders while coming face to face with them at the same time, and in a safe place.

Do something fun

Switching your brain into the mindset of doing something fun when you are full of anxieties can be incredibly challenging, but it is arguably the best relief you can find if you let your brain find its off switch. To slip into a fun activity quickly, many people resort to online games, as it is an immediate fix. Sites like Unibet are excellent for lowering stress as they give you another outlet to channel it through. If not, putting your favorite movie on can induce feelings of nostalgia and relaxation, taking your stress down even further. Continue reading

Denied Social Security Disability Benefits? Here’s What You Can Do . . .

benefitsMost people assume that applying for disability benefits is like applying for most other forms of government assistance: they fill out a (sometimes lengthy) form, print out their bank statements and pay stubs, staple it all together and viola! Application complete! From here they can simply mail or drop off their applications and, most of the time, within a few days, their benefits will be ready to go.

The truth is actually much different. When you decide to ask for disability benefits, you are signing up for an involved and sometimes even invasive process. Often you will be required to track down and supply your caseworker with your medical records. You might even need to go in for new exams to make sure that your case worker has the most up to date information. There is a lot of room for error and the process can take months to complete. Then, even if you’re positive you’ve done everything correctly and you meet the SSDI requirements, you can still get denied.

First Steps After a Denial

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