What Are Discarnate Souls & How Can I Protect Against Them?

discarnate soulsMeashenu – I recently posted an article about discarnate souls and there were some questions related to fears that popped up. Mostly this was along the lines of “Well how do I know I won’t become a discarnate soul?, which I thought was a very valid question. I asked my higher self, as well as checked in with some other healers and readers for how they viewed this topic.

A discarnate soul is a soul that was once a human and, for whatever reason, decided not to pass on at their death. They hang around in spirit form. Some are completely harmless while others will cause problems such as haunting a place and attaching to people.

If they attach they can cause ailments to emerge, drain your energy, manipulate your thoughts, and so on. Thankfully they are easier to remove compared to other entities.

Some reasons include:

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