The Secret to Finding Real Love

Jafree Ozwald – If you want to feel more love, loving and loved, you must do one essential thing.  You must allow yourself to become more sensitive. The more sensitive you are, the more love you’ll be able to feel inside your being, and radiate through your heart to others and yourself.  Being sensitive means being open, vulnerable, and willing to feel that which you’re afraid to feel.  It means being willing to face that which you cannot face inside.  An insensitive person has put walls around that which he/she cannot face or feel.  The pain was too great at the time, and they believed they were too small to find peace within the pain.  It takes a deeply courageous person, who has an inner strength and spiritual warrior to continuously choose sensitivity over anything else along their life’s journey.

Choosing the path of sensitivity means you’re wiling to truly be alive.  You’re open to feeling the wounding that others are holding in their body as well as what is buried within your own.  This willingness to feeling the wound is the door to feeling the love, and healing that which is needing love.  If you shut the door on feeling pain, you’ve turned your back on love. A deep compassion for yourself (and others) is born out of this path to higher sensitivity.  It is one of the most essential and over-looked ingredients on the journey to self-realization and enlightenment.

In the beginning stages of re-sensitizing your being, you’ll feel as if you’re taking the risk of being damaged by the harshness of the world.  This is why it is vital to learn how to remain free from the ego’s trap of defensiveness, so that you never take anything personally.  It’s only the small powerless self that feels the need to defend, protect, hide and run away.  Your true ever radiant Self always embraces, moves towards the pain with love, compassion and forgiveness.  On the path to higher consciousness, you’ll find the heart is in a constant state of expansion and receptivity. This paradigm when practiced is extremely powerful as the heart continuously expands into an ever brighter ball of joy, lightness and ecstasy. It is only through the path of the heart that true compassion arises which allows you to retain a perpetual state of sensitivity.

“That which is real cannot be threatened.  That which is unreal does not exist.” The Course of Miracles

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You are all-knowing, you are all-seeing, you are total divine awareness

by John Smallman | Jesus Through John
October 23 2011

Humanity’s awakening process is gaining momentum as increasing numbers of you focus on adopting attitudes that are in alignment with the divine energy field enveloping you all.  By doing this you allow your hearts to open and receive the abundance of divine Love that surrounds you at all times, like the air you breathe. Like the air you breathe, when you open your hearts to receive It, It flows through you, receives the imprint of your individual energy signatures, and moves on to continue melding and mingling with Itself and with all others who are open to receive It.  It is always with you; you just have to open your hearts to allow It in.

The divine energy field is the life force; without it there would be nothing.  It maintains and supports all that exists in every moment for all eternity.  It had no beginning and will have no end, and all that is exists within it – always.  You cannot disconnect yourselves from it because you are all essential and integral parts of it.  However, you have free will and within the illusion you can choose to restrict the divine benefits that it wishes to bestow on you by maintaining unloving or hostile attitudes towards yourselves or others.  When you do so, it is a little like choosing to breathe only stale air, and as a result your energy and enthusiasm for life weakens.  You can never die, but you can become basically comatose – the condition of so many in the illusion – and practically all your energy is then r equired for survival, until you start your healing process: releasing your unloving attitudes.  Once you start that process, your energy increases and you begin to see that life does have meaning, and as your attitudes become more loving that sense of meaning intensifies, bringing you the peace and joy that is your Father’s Will for you.

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