Divine Timing and Divine Order lie within

Divine Timing and Divine Order that lies within Ailia Mira – Divine Ones, we greet you in love.

The energies of your world are increasingly present in higher harmonics. This elevated expression is coming about as the planetary field lifts and lifts too, the life on Earth that has come into resonance with these higher momentums of inner light and expansion.

More and more human beings are discovering their inner current. Their sense of Divine Timing and Divine Order that lies within and can guide them accurately and clearly in their lives. Continue reading

What is divine timing?

divine timingThe Angels – Today we wish to speak to you about “divine timing.” It is an interesting phrase, for in our reality there is no space or time. In our reality we see all possibilities occurring all at once. We witness you travelling through this matrix of infinite possibility, experiencing specific spaces, situations, and and times, simply because you tune into them.

Imagine that there are an infinite number of television programs being broadcast all at once. Imagine you had access to each and every one of them. You would simply take your remote control and point it at the TV after having selected your desired program. Presto! Your program appears.

Likewise (and you have heard us use this analogy before) you hold the “remote control” that selects your life experiences. It is with your energy field – your thoughts and feelings, both conscious and unconscious – that you tune into realities and possibilities that will become “real” in your life. Continue reading

Doreen Virtue’s Angel Messages For February 15 – 21, 2016 [Video]

This week may try your patience, as things move a little slower than you’d like. It’s not a block — and it’s definitely not something personal — it’s Divine timing making sure that you get exactly the right version of what you’re manifesting.


Have faith and trust that any No’s you receive this week are a form of Divine protection. What you’re seeking is also seeking you, and it’s worth waiting for.

Notes: Doreen is working with the Fairy Tarot Cards, available at bookstores everywhere including at http://bit.ly/FairyTarotCards

SF Source Doreen Virtue  Feb 2016

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