FBI Finally Admits It Has Seth Rich’s Laptop

FBI Bombshell: Bureau Admits It Has Seth Rich’s Laptop Containing Hacked DNC EmailsSean Adl-Tabatabai – The FBI has finally admitted that it has in its possession a laptop owned by murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich, who is believed to have leaked DNC emails to WikiLeaks exposing the corruption and pedophilia among the top ranks of the Democratic Party.

A sworn declaration filed with a federal court on Dec. 9 states: “a three (3) page forensic report detailing the actions performed by an outside entity to image the work laptop.” Continue reading

Putin Crushes CNN’s Fareed Zakaria on Donald Trump and US Elections

Alexandra Bruce – I really want to talk about other things – but ’tis the season and it’s unavoidable. After today, I’ll try to pretend that the Presidential Selection is not happening, for as long as possible – but right now, I want to make a few important points.

First, Hillary Clinton is desperate to carry out her war-profiteer masters’ bidding by going to war with Russia, as evidenced by how her campaign’s immediately jumping to accuse Russia of hacking the DNC’s emails, when we all know, in this Post-Snowden Era that NSA has everything and that the FBI or CIA can easily request these, as well as Hillary’s so-called “lost” (deleted) emails.

In fact, NSA whistleblower, Bill Binney, the architect of NSA’s surveillance program surmises that the source of the DNC leak was probably by a “disgruntled US intelligence worker concerned about Clinton’s compromise of National security secrets via her personal email use,” in particular, because she compromised Gamma material, classified by NSA as “extraordinarily sensitive information (for instance, decrypted conversations between top foreign leadership, as this was).”

Never mind that Clinton knew that Libya’s entire arsenal was shipped to Syria, to arm ISIS and that she lied about it under oath – this, after Gaddafi was mercilessly taken down, for daring to create a gold-backed currency to be used within the poverty-stricken nations of Francophone West Africa – ALL of this information is contained in the hacked emails, which WikiLeaks has made available and easily searchable.

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