Snakes at the Water Cooler: The Reptilian Presence at the Office

Preface – Some of you will read this with no understanding of what I am speaking of. Others will assume I am talking of certain groups and may be on target or way off. With so many opposing opinions and viewpoints on the theories mentioned, I will clarify some of the terms I will use so there is a clearer understanding so I don’t offend certain subgroups. I will be using the terms “reptilian, Drac, Rep, and Snakes” to describe negative reptilian and inter-dimensional entities. Now I am not speaking of the reptilians who are spoken of by the inner earth groups or the ones who mean us no harm I am speaking of the darker entities that have found it necessary to attack and host humans to thwart their path to spirituality and have their own agenda to rule this world.

The other point I want to make is in reference to my statements on Christianity. I am a Christian but so as not to offend those who hold prejudices against so called “Christians”, I want you to know that they are not all the same judgmental “down your throat” types that have alienated so many. I am hoping that many realize that not all Christians are the same…just as everything else, there are good ones and bad ones…and make their judgments from that. This paper is not about religion or UFO theories…it is about spiritual warfare and what is happening in our daily life which is ever changing. I am hoping that this helps you know that you are not alone should you find yourself in such a work situation…and that we are fighting a domestic battle of free will, love of humanity, God and the truth. – Cassie


Cassie – In today’s corporate world we are seeing more and more changes in structure such as growing trends to eliminate the human element and streamline the organization to a money generating system with no thought to employee welfare.  Part of this is due to poor economy and necessity, but there is a darker force lurking in the shadows that many are not seeing.

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