Mistakes To Avoid When Chasing Your Dream

“We dream to give ourselves hope. To stop dreaming—well, that’s like saying you can never change your fate.” – Amy Tan

dreamerAnn Davis – Pursuing dreams…

How you wish it were a smooth ride. Right?

The twists and curves you’ve encountered may have left you full of negative thoughts and doubting your ability to succeed.

In fact, you may be accepting your situation as fate and settling for defeat.

But don’t give up yet!

To keep your dreams alive, you must avoid making certain mistakes. You must realize that you’re the pilot, and you can take charge of your dreams and fly to places you’ve never been. Continue reading

How To Understand & Utilize The Dream-Scape

dream-scapeCasey Francis – The dream-scape is a place where the higher part of our consciousness feeds the lower with representations of the events which take place in the astral and other realms. They are the individualized representation of the astral travel that we perform whilst our physical vessel is sleeping. It is conducted in this manner to avoid confrontation to the mind, due to the extreme differences in the experiences we are having in the higher realms of existence, thereby allowing our mind to understand these circumstances in a manner which is more suitable and thus easier to understand by the human part of our being.

Dreams are often arranged to avoid mental debilitation, and to avoid the confusion of the human mind in realizing it’s true nature as a divine being of light, which has the capabilities of travelling through many more dimensions, parallel or coexisting realities which would otherwise seem improbable and impractical to easily comprehend. Continue reading

The Universe Is Dreaming Itself Awake

dreamPaul Levy – When you begin to spiritually awaken, it is like waking up inside of a dream and recognizing that everything you are experiencing is nothing other than a very convincing projection, or display of your mind. The boundary between inner and outer, between dreaming and waking starts to dissolve, and you begin to realize that the same dreaming mind that is dreaming your dreams at night is dreaming your life. You realize that there is a Deeper Dreaming Self that is having a dream and we are it!

This Deeper Dreaming Self is active in us at all times and is continually seeking to express it itself. If we recognize the dreaming process that is happening right now, we can step into it and help it unfold consciously. It will activate our own inherent process of awakening and reconnect us with ourselves.

It is as though there is a dream that is trying to be dreamt through each and all of us — both individually and collectively. The universe is seen as a field not separate from and through which this deeper, dreaming process is continually expressing it itself. Continue reading

There is only reflection

DreamGillian MacBeth Louthan – Just like the energy of Gemini clashes with itself like teething twin two year olds, we all feel pushed and pulled in every direction. The dark and the light of the impish twins demands that we make peace with the pushy energy within us before we battle the pushy energy on the outer limits.

Everyone is a little more sensitive, a little grouchy, a lot distracted, mostly bewildered and vague.  We seek council of our own light and soul but all we see is fog. Our moods and thoughts change like spring weather. We do not feel like we fit in our skin, or life. We look at those we love and wonder what happened?

In this place of many fissured mirrors, there is no good or bad, nor right or wrong – there is only reflection and a need to understand and embrace that reflection. The fork in the upcoming road leads humanity down a bumpy path.  A place where cell phones and compasses no longer work, and the landscape shifts and pulses hiding its true colors.  The teachings of mercury and Gemini are very animated like 1st graders after Kool-Aid and cupcakes. Continue reading

Wild Herbs for Lucid Dreaming

Nick Polizzi – Do you remember what you dreamt about last night?  How about the night before?

For thousands of years, we humans have placed a ton of value on the content of these bedtime reveries, deriving inner wisdom and even premonitions from them. Dreaming feels like a birthright, an extra sense that allows us to process both rationally and spiritually while our body rests up.

They are one of behavioral science’s biggest mysteries, with no agreed-upon theory of their origin and specific purpose. For some, dreams occur nightly, but others never experience them at all.

One thing is for sure – many who don’t dream wish they did.

Since I was young, I’ve had them on a regular basis, but have always known there were deeper places to go in this state of consciousness.  The quest for many is to achieve the lucid dream, or “knowing we’re dreaming” inside the dream. Continue reading