Whew! What A Month So Far!

dreamGillian MacBeth-Louthan – All I can say about this summer energy doorway is ‘whoa nellie’. The livingness of mercury and Gemini is so animated it is like an unrehearsed ballet of ice road truckers. Just like the vibration of liquid mercury it moves in un-harnessed fashion doing what it wants to do when it wants to do it.

The Gemini twins are both identical and fraternal of nature. They mirror each other but they also refract each other. They really do not want to see their true reflections in this earthly hall of mirrors. Unpredictable is the word for this season of restructure. Restructure comes in a fashion like you just hired beavers to do construction on your house. Everything is turned upside down (cancel clear) and just like a toddler giggling upside down on a couch you are seeing the world at a new and different approach.

What we once thought was our truth has left the building along with Elvis and the seven dwarfs. Who we once thought we were is no longer viable in this dimension. Our cages have been officially raddled and we can feel the energy coming forth as we breathe. All of us have held a dream in our heart for so long it has become a part of us. We still have not seen that dream birthed no matter how hard we try or pray or let go. The very reason this dream has not been birthed in this time and day is the fact that we are no longer in a place where that dream need to come forth as a physical manifestation.

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Dreams Are The REAL World

Arno PienaarDreams are reality just as much as the real world is classified as reality. Dreams are your actual own reality and the real world is the creator’s reality. 

Dreams are by far the most intriguing aspect of existence for a human-being. Within them we behold experiences that the conscious mind may recollect, but for the most part, cannot make sense of. The only sense we can gain from them is the way they make us feel intuitively.


Subconscious Guiding Mechanism

The feeling is known to be the message carried over from the guiding mechanism of the sub-conscious mind.

The guidance we receive in our dreams comes, in fact, from our very selves, although the access we have to everything is only tapped into briefly, when the conscious mind is completely shut down in the sleeping state.

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3 Massive Tidal Waves – (It’s Not What You Think)

waveGregg Prescott – I recently had a dream where I saw three tidal waves. For most people, dreaming about a tidal wave can be very traumatic but in this dream, I saw it quite differently!

In my dream, I was at the beach and I saw this huge tidal wave coming my way. I turned around to seek shelter in a beach house when I noticed another tidal wave 10x bigger than the first one coming up over a mountain in the opposite direction. I went into the beach house as the waves converged over me. At no point in this dream was I ever scared or frightened. While the waves converged above me in this beach house, I could stick my hand through the window and touch the water.

Eventually, the waves resided, so I went outside only to see another tidal wave coming over the mountain, so I go back inside the beach house until it receded again.

As I got out of the beach house, I remembered that my truck was parked up on the mountain, so I went up there to find it. Once I got to the top of the mountain, there were a number of people milling around, but the energy there had changed to something quite peaceful and relaxing. The energy felt completely new as well. At this point, I woke up. Continue reading

Oracle Report ~ Monday, April 18, 2016

“Trappist Abbey in Oregon” – photographer Pam

Gibbous Moon in Virgo: trust, dream

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Chinnamasta, Goddess Who Expands the Mind

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East

Skill: dream a bigger dream

True Alignments: freedom, the place of inner peace and knowing, comfort and security, new beginnings and potential, taking a risk in life, the feeling of home,  seeing the truth behind the image, the power of love, extra boost, signs, unrestricted, philosophical

Catalysts for Change: continual seeking on the outside, feelings of not belonging, narrow-minded, judgmental, stuck, immersed in presenting a certain image, afraid to take a risk in life, jealousy (especially of younger people), isolated, over analytical, self denial, restricted, too many responsibilities

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month and Year: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery” (transcending)

A flash of light illuminates our magic carpet ride!

The Sun released a powerful M6.7-class flare with CME at 00:29 am UT (Sunday at 8:29 pm ET). The energetic of the Sabian symbol of “a powerful statesman overcomes a state of political hysteria.” This dynamic brings increased ability to access and use our personal power to turn a situation around or surmount something.

The negative polarity of this energy is using charisma or personal power to manipulate for personal advantage.

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The Suit

suitPaul Siemsen – ​I met a man in my dreams last night. Our eyes did not meet, nor did we exchange names or words. Yet, the encounter was of such a personal nature it must be said we met. At the very least it must be said that I met him.

Our meeting occurred in a public place, an outdoor plaza, on a back-to-back pair of benches, solidly overbuilt of wood in the manner of 1950s church pews and train station benches, well used but still wearing a patinated amber finish. This man was sitting on the opposite side of the double bench, on the end to my right, when I approached and sat behind him on the near side. My sitting was offset from him by a shoulder width. He wore a dark blue suit that conveyed more casual dignity than business, and he sat comfortably, with his left elbow and arm resting on the shared bench backs, as he gazed to his fore and slightly left.

My back was to him, but with a slight turning to my own left, I could see his left arm closely and found myself examining the weave of his suit fabric. There were two colors of thread in the fabric, but they were not woven in a usual warp and woof manner. They were woven in such a way as to render narrow rows, each row being a series of alternating rectangles — dark but vibrant blue, alternating with a darker blue almost black. I lightly pinched a fold of his arm fabric and brought my eyes closer to what I held. Continue reading