Be as you are

dreamsThe Angels – Celebrate! There is great movement upon your planet earth. You are finding your hearts, your voice, your dreams, and desires. Just as the sun thaws the ice of winter, so too Divine love is thawing those energies frozen in human hearts. It is nearly impossible anymore to “stuff” or “hide” your feelings. It is very difficult to deny your dearest dreams.

This is a time on earth where it is imperative to keep the energies within you in motion. It is as if waves of love are washing over you, trying to move the heavy energies through you, trying to wash more love into your lives, and move you towards your dreams. You can allow this energy to create movement within you, or you can resist it. Resisting it, however, is becoming increasingly painful. You could no longer hold back the movement of the ocean, than you can hold back the love seeking to wash into your life. If you try, it is exhausting.

Start with the simplest act. Admit to yourself how you really feel, right here, right now. If you are upset, stop trying to pretend you are not. If you are sad, stop trying to “get over it” and make peace with this moment’s sadness. If you have a dream that you don’t know how to achieve, admit that you want something in your life that seems unreachable. If you are tired, admit you want rest and an easier life. If you are lonely, admit you want companionship. Admit your feelings of fear, resignation, frustration, and hope. If you are happy, admit that you want the goodness in your life to keep on growing and going. Stop judging your feelings dear ones, and simply acknowledge them.

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The Importance of Paying Attention to Your Dreams

dreamsBambi CorsoDreams are windows into worlds beyond the ordinary. Some people have dreams that give them guidance about the smallest details of their daily life along with profound spiritual insights. Others experience unconditional and transforming love in their dreams.

It’s interesting to realize that we spend approximately 6-8 hours of our daily life sleeping. When you add that up over a lifetime, that’s almost 1/3 of our lives! Along with all the benefits that sleep offers including rejuvenating the body, mind and spirit, there is another benefit that we sometimes don’t acknowledge, and that is dreaming.

However, most people don’t pay much attention to their dreams because they don’t understand them. They show up as apparently random situations with oddities that we could hardly think of on our own even if we tried. The reason we don’t understand our dreams generally is because they come to us in symbolic form, they come as visitations in our original language, and that is the language of symbolism, story and metaphor. If one starts to look at dreams symbolically, we realize that they are not so confusing after all.

The truth is that dreams come to us every night to help us work out issues from the day, give us guidance and to help heal us on deeper, more spiritual levels. As you continue to pay more and more attention to your dreams, the more they reveal to you about your own psyche, state of mind, belief systems and how you truly feel about things.

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Dance of head and heart

dreamsThe Angels – The Creator never intended for you to struggle. You were never designed to handle a challenge or manage your human lives alone. You were not given dreams to taunt you, nor were you given the power of higher thought to control you. Instead you were meant to acknowledge the heart, to use your minds to figure out how to support your dreams, and to exist in a beautiful dance between the two. You were designed to live in harmony within yourself… and with the rest of creation.

Sadly, this is often not the case upon your planet earth. The mind has usurped the heart’s power. Like a bad marriage, in which one partner thinks him or herself to be of more value than the other, a relationship with yourself in which the head negates heart is never pleasant. Nor conversely, is a relationship where the heart dreams but ignores the head, productive either. You were meant to live in a beautiful balance between the two.

So when you have a dream, by all means learn what you need to learn! Do what you know to do! But then dear ones, when you feel you do not know the next step, when you have “run out of options” as you like to say, when you start to lose faith in yourself, or when you begin to tire, or lose passion for what you are doing… Stop. This is not the time or place for the mind to take charge, because now it will simply start to make itself busy by finding reasons to fear, reasons to push you, or reasons to fail. Instead, this is the time, once again, to drop into the heart.

Ask yourself a simple question, “Heart what do you want to do now?” or
God what do you want for me in this moment?” The answer will almost always be simple and feasible given the reality around you.

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Dreams From Your Higher Self? Decoding The Common Symbols

dreamsHelen Elizabeth Williams – What is the hidden meaning of your dreams? Your higher self guides you in mysterious ways. The biggest bridge between your spirit and your mind is being “built” by your subconscious while you are sleeping. There are also symbolisms in dreams which can be interpreted meaningfully.

We are on the lookout for mysteries all around the world and we fail to acknowledge the one that we face every night: dreaming.

Understanding what our dream highlights, what it means, is a mystery for most. Leading scientists and psychologists alike, agree that understanding the meaning of dreams is an uphill battle that is unlikely to be won anytime soon.

This is despite the well documented beliefs which were commonly expressed by Freud.

According to a professional dream worker, images and symbols used in dreams are manifestations of deeper emotional concepts.

Despite the fact that each dream is supposed to be unique and all dreams mean different things to different people, there are some dreams that are similar in symbolism.

These symbols can give us an insight into what a dream means, despite not necessarily deciphering the whole dream itself.

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Dreams, Timelines and Parallel Worlds

Zen Gardner – Like many of you, I have had dreams in my life, including recurring ones, that were clearly significant. I can’t say I’m an adept interpreter but many of us try to consciously get whatever message we think there may be for us from dreams.

Let’s face it, virtually one third of our lives are spent in the sleeping state yet we know our full consciousness never shuts off. This dream world is a significant one to know about that could teach us many things. That observer inside each of us is getting it all and we need to pay attention and learn.


Art by Deeo Elaclaire

Several times I have had a strong sense that it’s a parallel existence I was experiencing where perhaps my life had split off and continued on in some different direction, perhaps due to some fundamental decision that I made somewhere along the timeline leading to the one I’m now living in this currently shared 3D existence.

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