Fascinating Facts About Dreams

dreamsLarry Schwartz – There aren’t many things that fascinate, frighten, sadden, intrigue, confuse, or enlighten us more than dreams. While science seems stumped about dreams, artists are inspired, creating countless books, movies, poems, paintings, dances and plays about dreams in an effort to understand more about this mysterious unconscious existence we enter when we sleep.

More than 100 years after Freud wrote The Interpretation of Dreams, we still aren’t exactly sure what a dream really is. Science tells us that our sensory abilities (like vision, hearing, etc.) reside in various areas of the neocortex of our brains, and that during sleep these various areas fire randomly, producing illusions that seem disjointed and enigmatic. (In other words, dream-like.) Continue reading

Running Towards Your Dreams Or From Your Fears?

dreamsAndrea Schulman – When it comes to your life goals, are you running towards your dreams or away from your fears?

This is a super important question to ask ourselves when it comes to goal setting, and it’s one that is often overlooked.

See, we all carry limitations and fears. Unfortunately, sometimes these limitations encourage us to tackle goals that resonate with the OPPOSITE of what we really want.

When this happens, we end up chasing goals for the purpose of escaping fear rather than the purpose of experiencing joy and passion.

The result? Pain and suffering. Continue reading

Ways to Manifest More Positivity and Love Into Your Life

manifestDr. Kelly Neff – I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Momo Laredo of The Momo Zone on Lucid Planet Radio. He is one of those people whose positive energy is incredibly contagious!

You can’t help but feel happy when you’re around him, even just talking to him over the airwaves genuinely lifted my spirits. He is one of the original YouTube success stories, with his inspirational and motivational videos having been viewed millions of times.

Momo has a wonderful perspective on life, and during these seemingly dark and difficult times for humanity, sometimes we all need an injection of positivity and love. We need to empower ourselves and each other to remember that we can make positive changes in our lives and in the world.

This isn’t the stuff of fiction; This is real if you want it to be, but it takes focused intention and real action on your part.  And so, I wanted to put this podcast out there to anyone whose spirits need lifting, while also sharing some of the lessons I learned from Momo on how to manifest more positivity in life.

1. Find it in Your Heart To Forgive

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Oracle Report Monday, May 7, 2018

Photographer Amy

Laura Walker – Path.  Gate.  Pilgrimage.  Race.  Promenade.

These words are featured by the planets today, as evidenced by the Sabian symbols for their locations in the sky (based on traditional astrology).

4 Night. 

This is today in the tzolkin, the Mayan sacred calendar of the Sun.  4 Night “stabilizes” (4) to enable the infinite imagination of dreams to change the direction or status quo (“Night”).

So, today expands the imagination and offers us guidance on where we are going (which direction), bringing light to the proper course.

Here is the data, if you would like to follow: Continue reading

All things are possible…

solutionsThe Angels –  There are so many ways that your life can change for the better. Even using all your human resources you can conceive of so very few. If you try to solve your own problems you will employ ways you have already learned, ways you’ve heard of or read, or perhaps ways recommended by others. You might even use your Internet to find solutions.

While that might seem like an abundance of options to you, the Divine dwells in infinite possibility. With all the solutions you could discover using human thinking, these are but a tiny segment of the infinite number of ways in which your reality could shift.

Never limit yourself to only what you know how to achieve for as you know, with God all things are possible. Continue reading