Emergency Water: 4 Ways To Enjoy Clean Water Anytime

In recent years, many of us have heard about the many signs and signals that point to a global water crisis inching near. The world doesn’t have to be ending for the water supply to become unusable and undrinkable – just ask the victims of any major natural disaster. Whether it’s a super storm, a local outage due to a broken line, or the zombie apocalypse, you need to know how to access clean water for your own survival and wellbeing. Fortunately, you have several options for emergency water in the case of a personal, national, or global crisis.

Emergency Water: Recognize and Prepare

It seems like the go-to protocol in emergency preparation is in having gallons of store-bought water stowed away in case something should happen. But, this isn’t without its own dangers. Not only can water in plastic jugs take up a lot of space, we just don’t know how the BPA in the plastic could be breaking down as it sits on your cellar shelf waiting for the day you need it. What’s more, bottled water is nothing more than filtered or tap water, but is priced 2,000x higher than tap water. Stocking up on bottled water or storing your tap water in plastic simply isn’t the safest option.

And in case you didn’t know, this is what your tap water looks like. Tap water is riddled with heavy metals like lead, toxic fluoride, chlorine, pharmaceuticals, birth control, and much more. While it’s understandable to turn to tap water or bottled water int he case of a dire emergency, it should be known that these just aren’t the safest options available.

Here are a few safer options for emergency water.

 1. Water Filtration Systems

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Erin Brockovich ~ I fought . . .

Environmental Working Group | December 26 2012 | Thanks, Fran

Capitol HillWhen I found out there was poison in my drinking water, I got… well, I can’t even use the word.

I refused to take it lying down. I fought. I tracked down the culprits, held them accountable and didn’t let up ’til our water was cleaner.

Ken Cook did the same thing when he started Environmental Working Group.

Like me, EWG’s been hunting after the truth for almost 20 years now, exposing dangerous chemicals in our food, water and the products we use on our bodies and in our homes.

So when Ken and EWG call on me for help, I answer.

Right now, they really need us. EWG’s got to raise $200,000 by December 31 to keep doing the critical work we depend on. We can’t risk losing EWG’s groundbreaking research if we’re to stand up for ourselves. Please, give whatever you can today.

Click here ~ tax-deductible donation to EWG before the deadline just 5 days away. 

EWG never slows down and never backs down. They’re the ultimate game-changer when it comes to the environment and product safety.

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Skeletal Fluorosis: What Could Fluoride Be Doing to Us?

Natural Society | August 26 2012

Skeletal fluorosis is at endemic levels in at least 25 countries around the world. In the two countries where it is most prevalent – China and India – it affects 2.7 million and 6 million people respectively. But what is fluorosis, how can it be prevented, and are we at risk?

Fluoride Ingestion and Skeletal Fluorosis

Skeletal fluorosis occurs when too much fluoride builds up in the body. In China and India, for example, the high levels of skeletal fluorosis are believed to come from drinking water as well as inhaling coal being used as an indoor fuel source.

It is a debilitating disease, especially in latter stages. While in the beginning, the achy joints and stiffness may resemble arthritis, advanced fluorosis causes severe deformities as the ligaments of the neck and vertebrae calcify (harden), muscle tissue wastes away, and movement becomes more and more limited.

Scientific surveys indicate that any water supply containing more than 1 ppm of fluoride to be a risk for skeletal fluorosis. In the United States, 1 ppm is the average amount of fluoride being purposefully added to drinking water. But in addition to consuming fluoride through drinking water, it is also heavily absorbed in hot showers, and can be found in food at 180x the amount in drinking water.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has set the “maximum containment level” at 4 ppm. This simply means that anything up to 4 ppm is of no concern to the U.S. government.

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Bottled Water And Bottled Beliefs

Exopermaculture | April 22 2012

BottleTranspose this hilarious youtube send-up of the bottled water craze to our addiction to competing belief systems that we enjoy/endure as we grope and/or march our way blinkered, forwards or backwards or sidling sideways, pretending/hoping/praying that we know best and fighting with or “tolerating” all the others who don’t. (BTW: the creators of this bottled water video didn’t even mention the god-knows-what chemicals that leach out of the bottles into the water.)

Each belief system is a brand, with its own advertising, cost, unintended consequences — and, hopefully, a sell-by date.

Once we let go of belief and expectation as our anchor, once we morph back into full occupation of our own bodies with (preferably bare) feet firmly planted in the living soil of this good green Earth, then we can let go of our crazed need for certainty and realize the profound security of our serene interconnectedness with the natural world.

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