Important Turning Points During Spiritual Awakening

egoFrank M. Wanderer Ph.D. – Today, it is clear for almost every spiritual seeker that we live in the era of spiritual awakening.However, what is the awakening is often misinterpreted. Many people think that awakening and enlightenment are the same; a single-time event that happens once and you are done! On the contrary, the truth is that enlightenment is a process that is actually a series of awakenings.

Let’s take a look at three of the most important turning points during spiritual awakening:

Awakening from Identification

Every waking moment of our life fits a personal history with our own Self in its focus. Our life can only be interpreted within the framework of that history. The reason for that is that we identify with the voice of the Ego, the narrator of our own story, so closely that our personal history becomes the foundation of our entire life. Continue reading

“Spiritualized” The Ego of Spirituality

“Ego is the destroyer of the soul.”

Dysfunction Junction

egoIam Saums – We all have personal agendas, conflicts, crises, egos, faults and strategies.  We all have afflictions and conditions which impair our perceptions, senses, instincts, thoughts and feelings.  This is the daily reality we all accept, adopt and navigate in our experiences.

Some of us nurture practices to keep ourselves balanced, conscious, present and transformed, while some of us front oblivion to deny, dismiss, deflect and project our inner challenges and deficiencies upon others.  This happens in all communities.  The ego transmits a dense, low-vibrational energy not only impacting the people engaging in deception, yet also the spiritual community with which they pray and relate. Continue reading

How Committed Are You to Evolving?

soulPaul Lenda – How important is your own personal evolution to you? How committed are you to the process of flowering into the thousand-petaled lotus you can be?

Most people live simple and upstanding lives but don’t focus too much on evolving their consciousness as much as possible. It’s not necessarily that they don’t want to be the best versions of themselves; it’s just that they don’t want it enough. If they did, they wouldn’t make excuses like not having enough time or energy to dedicate to their own evolution and expansion. Are you making excuses for yourself that are keeping you from expanding your consciousness as far as possible?

In the Dhammapada, Gautama Buddha is recorded as saying, “Few are those who cross to the farthest shore. The rest, the bulk of people, only run up and down the bank.Continue reading

Feel the connection

egoVeronica – Having a physical experience often challenges the soul. All of you feel the connection to the eternal. It is where your true energy lies. While in the body, one encounters many challenges. Some may seem insurmountable while experiencing them.

All challenges require linear focus but let’s not forget your soulful focus. The two combined together truly offer the best perspective while moving through a life.

The ego is created while incarnate. A sense of self esteem/self importance is critical. It defines who you are and your connections with others. It is important to create a balance between the ego and the soul. The best lives are a delicate dance for the incarnate. Continue reading

Life’s Goal Is Manifestation Of The True Self

selfVeronica – Coming into physical reality one expects to be challenged in many ways.  Ideally it is desired for the journey to be one of clear sailing.  Embracing the ability to create what is desired by the incarnate with ease.  However, as all of you know, it’s usually never easy.

Every day all of you use your thoughts to solidify dramatics and objects in the linear.  Many are successful, but there are those who find the manifestations elusive.  A person’s sense of self is often defined as the ego.  All hear often the pitfalls of the ego.  ‘Beware of the ego, it can derail your ascension to a higher frequency’.  Yes all of that can be true.

The ego, however, is the mediator between your conscious and unconscious awareness.  Whether one likes it or not, the ego is an integral part of your incarnation.  Propelling your soul through the reality is its purpose.  Again, the ego can get caught up in its quest by over indulging in its self importance.  It’s always a fine balance during the life. Continue reading