Dealing With Your Trickster Ego

TricksterCarl Greer, PhD, PsyD – Are you making decisions based on your most deeply held values? Do your choices reflect your emotional desires of the moment but not your priorities?

You want to make courageous decisions in synch with your best self, but that means reducing the power of that aspect of your ego that is a trickster. Your trickster ego leads you to make bad decisions out of fear, preventing you from being true to yourself.

The trickster ego likes instant gratification. It is afraid it won’t get its needs met if you don’t hurry up and do what will produce fast results. Integrity goes by the wayside as the trickster ego rushes to get things done. Continue reading

You cannot fail

waterThe Angels – Each one of you wants to be known as a kind and loving soul. We in the heavens know that you already are. Even if you’re an angry human being, underneath the layers of protection, we behold only the truth of your sweet and sensitive heart. You never need to prove your worth or goodness to the heavens. We already see you, often more accurately than you see yourselves.

You are enough exactly as you are. You never need to please a soul to be worthy of love. When your service to others comes from joy, it comes from God. When your service to others comes from duty, from a sense of wanting to “get” them to love or acknowledge your goodness, or from guilt… then it comes from ego.

There is nothing wrong with ego. It is part of who you are. It is a container so to speak, for the greater Self – much as water is contained by the glass. The glass helps shape and define the water, but the water is free. It evaporates into steam, turns into rain, falls in the river, and runs to the ocean only to repeat the cycle again.

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When virtue is the greatest crime

selfJon Rappoport – Who are they?

Behind their flaccid smiles is a roaring furnace of anger.

They believe love motivates them. Love, and the worship of some leader who stands for love.

This delusion can topple a society and a civilization.

They have been taught to be good. They been trained in that way, and they embrace their training as both a shield and a sword, as they set out to change the world.

There are millions of them.

Who are they?

They advocate “share and care” without limit. This is their religion. For them, there is no ceiling on supporting those in need, and there are no negative consequences. There is no taking from Peter to pay Paul. It doesn’t exist.

If you told these soldiers for the Good that they could open a door and let 30 million immigrants into the country overnight, they would open the door without hesitation. Downside? Irrelevant. Being good is all that matters. It is the imperative. To betray it would be an unpardonable sin and would destroy them, these holy soldiers.

On the other hand, if you said you had a plan to put two million unemployed Americans back to work tomorrow, they would register indifference. That idea doesn’t fit their world view. Back to work means WORK. Earning a living. Some measure of responsibility and accountability. Self-reliance. Strength. Where is the CHARITY in that? Where is the unlimited giving? Where is the love?

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The Sleep of Separateness

SeparatenessSteve Taylor, Ph.D – From the standpoint of ordinary consciousness, separateness seems to be a basic part of the human condition. Most human beings experience themselves as egos trapped inside their own mind-space, observing a world which seems to be out there, on the other side of their skulls. As a result, the normal human state is one of aloneness. We’re always onlookers rather than participants. We can communicate with other people by speaking, writing or gesturing, but they will never be able to truly know us, or to share our thoughts and feelings. Our inner being will always be sealed off from them.

Ego-separation also creates a sense of incompleteness. Because we’re separate from the world, we’re like fragments which have broken off from the whole, and so feel a sense of insufficiency. There s a kind of hole inside us which we spend most of our lives trying to fill (but very rarely manage to), like cats who were taken away from their mother at birth and who are always hankering for affection and attention to try to compensate for a sense of lack. Born-again Christians mean something close to this when they say that there is a god-shaped hole inside us although in my view traditional religion can’t fill the hole either, only provide the same (ultimately incomplete) consolation as wealth or success.

As a result of this aloneness and incompleteness, we don’t feel completely at home in the world. We’re not completely rooted here, and so feel somehow adrift, as if we don’t fully belong, like people who have travelled around the world so much that they no longer feel at home anywhere. Whereas traditional indigenous peoples seem to perceive the world as a benign and benevolent place, to us it seems indifferent and even vaguely malevolent.

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Why It’s Important To Understand Your Dark Side

selfRajie Kabli –  One of my favourite quotes is by Carl Jung: ”One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious.”  

This resonates with me so much, I think, because I’ve spent the last 10 years reading, listening to, absorbing, mimicking, and meditating on the following mantras: “Just think positive thoughts.”; “All we are is love and light.”; “This too will pass.”; “Transcend your ego.” 

I have pages and pages of words in countless journals asking, no, pleading, with God or the Universe to please help me be better and rid myself of negativity. I think to myself, “God please help me be more loving, more compassionate, more understanding.” Let me just go ahead and say, nothing is wrong with praying for these things, but not once did I ever stop to think that perhaps I’m not embodying these traits I so desperately seek for a reason.

What is this wild, pushy, manipulative, self-serving woman trying to actually show me right now? I’m talking about my ‘shadow’ self, or ego-self. We all have one, and the more we run and hide and try to deny it’s there, the more internal conflict arises. We’re living in fantasy land if we think we are, and must be, happy, loving, shiny, joy-filled beings all the time. Everyone wants pleasure without the pain. Life doesn’t work like that. We live in a dualistic world.

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