Electromagnetic Signals

humanLisa Renee – This month’s newsletter is to better understand the important role of Electromagnetic Signals within the consciousness of the human body, and to raise awareness of the multiple sources of exposures we may have to these signals, that are transmitting from the environment and beyond. Electromagnetic Signals are directly responsible for the electromagnetic wave representation that we access.  This can be through of any kind of data transmission and its energetic frequency signature.

Data transmission is communication of energetic information, by the transmission or propagation of ranges of frequencies that form unique Electromagnetic Signals. When we receive spiritual initiations we are receiving data transmissions into our Lightbody. These frequency downloads, which allow us to embody higher frequencies are made through Electromagnetic Signals.

During the Ascension Cycle, humanity is being accelerated into greater ranges of amplified electromagnetic frequency exposure. These are either natural signals that support biological Ascension, or artificial signals that block the physical body with pain, thereby, suppressing or fragmenting the Lightbody. Thus, we can help to support our body and consciousness to regain balance, when we have a clearer comprehension of how these Electromagnetic Signals work in the human body.

The human body is made up of atoms, ions and molecules.  Ions are atoms with extra electrons or missing electrons. When an atom is missing an electron or two, it has a positive charge. When an atom has an extra electron or two, it has a negative charge. The key players in creating the electrical energy within our body are structures called ions. Ions may exist in solid, liquid, or gaseous environments, although those in liquid are more common. Most ionic compounds fall in the category of chemicals called salts. Ions existing in a liquid state are electrolytes. An electrolyte is any compound that, in solution, conducts electricity and is decomposed or electrolyzed by the electricity.

Ions can be created by either chemical or physical means through the process of ionization. The human body when subjected to strong Electromagnetic Signals, or activated kundalini, is capable of biological ionization that can generate plasma.  In the ascending human body, ionization produces higher frequency plasma light for continuing to build our liquid plasma spiritual body.

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