How to Manifest With Dream Dialoging

dream DialogingJafree Ozwald – Dream Dialoging is a powerful tool that can help anyone manifest their Dream Life. A Dream Dialog is a conversation with someone (or yourself) out loud where you talk about what you most want to manifest as if it has already happened. It is harnessing your imagination to act and feel as if you have already accomplished one of your dreams. It is super fun to do with a partner on a 20-30 minute walk. You take turns talking about how your dream/goal or desire JUST manifested for you. Speak in an excited voice as if you just won the lotto jackpot yesterday!!

Teach your partner how to communicate with you while Dream Dialoging so that they’re asking you questions that elicit more juicy details such as, “And then what happened?”, “So how did that feel for you?,” “How exciting! Tell me more!,” and ”Who was with you?” Continue reading

Suffering Is Optional


Jafree Ozwald – What if all the worry, fear, guilt and emotional pain you’ve experienced in your life was not something you had to go through.  What if it was optional?   Often people live their entire lives and never open up to the possibility that the experience of perpetual daily pain and agony is not required.

There are many things that we assume are true in life, only later we realize they weren’t that way at all.  One of the most unconscious beliefs people have is that we don’t have the power to simply stop the path we are on, and choose a different experience.

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Rudolf Steiner Describes the Archons and Parasitic Entities That Feed Off Your Fear and Anxiety

Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), founder of Steiner School system of education

Dylan Charles – Anxiety, depression, and fear ravage so many today, but few pause to consider that in addition to the material influences in our lives, we may be also under the influence of beings which exist in dimensions outside of our ordinary perception.

But there is much more to reality than what we can see, feel, hear, taste and touch. In fact, an accounting of the matter that makes up the universe reveals that some 73% of it is made up of dark energy, and another 23% is made up of dark matter, neither of which can we see, nor understand.

Furthermore, the human eye is only capable of seeing around .0035% of the entire spectrum of electromagnetic (EM) radiation. When we look into the heavens, 96% of it is invisible to us. Include in this the spiritual realms and there is an entire universe of possibilities which exists beyond our five senses.

Very few scientists today are willing to explore metaphysics to examine life beyond ordinary perception in order to make a connection between the seen and the unseen. Continue reading

Asking For What You Want

flow of lifeCreating is fun! Its easy to observe that an artist can paint a picture after years of study and have a technique that is so polished that creating seems natural. It’s easy to observe how someone takes actions in a succession that have been proven to manifest something in the physical (like building a house or even something like a relationship).

What is not as easy to observe is how we begin to create subtle, unseen manifestation within our mental and emotional world. We are not taught this is valuable in our world. Even though artists do it, and perhaps inventors (and we’re reminded how slim the ‘success rate’ is with those two professions), we’re taught that people are only successful when they follow outward action steps that have been proven by others (i.e. work your way up the corporate ladder, etc.). Continue reading

Ways To Boost Your Emotional Well-Being For a Positive Future

EmotionIt can be easy to get stuck in a rut of self-doubt and mental unhappiness, especially if you have a challenging lifestyle. This spiral can often lead to a negative outlook on life, which not only takes its toll on you but others around you too. Trying to gain a positive mindset is sometimes easier said than done, but just a few words of advice and some guidance can often be the turning point in many people’s lives. In these circumstances, you also have to be emotionally available to seek help and make changes even if you find it challenging in the beginning.

It’s not just a case of forcing happy thoughts every day to get this improved outlook. Take a look at some of the ways to boost your emotional wellbeing for a better future.

Challenge yourself

If you’re prone to coasting through life, then you probably won’t expect much from it. This lack of motivation is often hard to break out of, but just taking some time to think about your previous passions and what made you happy beforehand will identify some areas that you could revisit. It might be a past hobby that you gave up or a talent that fell by the wayside, but rekindling these passions could help you get back on track to discovering new skills and ambition. Continue reading