Full Attention is Demanded

energyKate Spreckley – We are living in a phenomenal time where our full attention is being demanded as the incoming energies work to bring about something totally new and unprecedented within ourselves and our world.  The individual shifts and changes occurring now are stoking the fires of our collective transformation awakening us all to a new vision of a new world.

We are being pushed beyond what has previously been known and as the old continues to collapse a new and fertile landscape will be revealed.    Continue reading

All Things Are Possible

emotionsKate Spreckley – The incoming energies are incredibly intense right now as old emotional issues and challenges are being triggered for release. Any fear that arises about the unknown is surfacing, gifting us with the opportunity to clear the emotions that lie beneath our fears and uncertainty.

For too long we have lived within a repeating cycle of survival which must now change. As such, our beliefs around what is possible and our habitual patterns of thinking and being, which have shaped our perception of reality, must be transformed. With this transformation we open to the expansiveness of the new and the knowing that all things are possible. Continue reading

March 2021 Astrology

sunJoseph P Anthony – They’ll be lots of compassion and conversation this month as the radiant Sun makes its way through ultra-sensitive Pisces and Mars enters the mental realm of Gemini. The sign of Pisces represents our spiritual nature and altered states of reality. Every year when the Sun transits this sign we find ourselves thinking more about spirituality, meditation, prayer, alcohol, drugs, food, and addictions, in order to cope with feeling vulnerable.

We seek to escape these feelings through a trance-like state that will allow us to escape from the harshness of this reality. On the positive side, the Sun in Pisces allows us to forgive and to realize we are much more than just our minds and physical bodies. Continue reading

Instant Ways To Lift Your Emotions at Any Single Moment You Choose

Life Coach Code – While meditation is a great way to feel better and lighter, there are just some days that you are unable to find time and place for it. Or, you need to lift your emotions at that exact instant.

Instead of fretting about failing to manage you r emotions when you most need to, there are some ways which you can use to instantly improve your feelings.

3 Instant Ways To Lift Your Emotions at Any Single Moment:

1. Appreciate more.

In addition to being grateful for the things that you have, show your appreciation for these things. Voice out what you appreciate in your partner, your home or your workplace. Continue reading

Ears Ringing? The Frequencies Are Amping Up! What Does This Mean?

frequencyLori Lines – Hearing ringing in your ears of late? Did you know this is a form of clairaudience? For those of you who do not know what the word clairaudient means, it is the faculty of perceiving, by hearing, what is inaudible.

What is happening in our world, as many of you are moving up the ascension ladder from a 3 dimensional reality to a 4 and 5 dimensional reality, is the light forces and the dark forces are using psychic toning to either help or to hinder our soul’s enlightenment to truth. Psychic toning is something we really want to be aware of and to pay attention to. Continue reading