You Are The Creator Of Your Perceptions

thoughtsDr. Suzanne Lie -Your thoughts and emotions are becoming more and more balanced and in alignment with each other. In this manner you are creating clear thought forms regarding the reality you wish to live. Please remember that if your thoughts and emotions flow in different directions you will find it difficult to effectively begin and/or complete your desired outcome.

One of the primary outcomes that you are all wishing to create, whether you are aware of it or not, is the slow but steady transmutation of your earth vessel. your earth vessel is the envelope that encases your consciousness third-dimensional consciousness.

When your consciousness begins to maintain a steady connection to the higher frequencies, your body begins to shift in an attempt to stay in alignment with the resonance of your thoughts and emotions. Continue reading

We’re In The Midst Of A Spiritual Revolution

selfAA Michael – Beloved masters, for a moment, imagine that you are fully aware of your origins and that you can tap into your personal cosmic history files any time you wish. Imagine that you have the ability to communicate with those around you without words, mind to mind. Imagine that you have the natural ability to see everyone’s auric field, and therefore, you can read or understand a person’s state of Being at any given moment. Imagine that you can envision clearly that which you wish to manifest, and it takes only a little time and effort for your visions to become reality.

Imagine that you have the ability to communicate and interact with the archangels and the vast angelic realm, as well as the ascended masters and the great Beings of light. All of these attributes and abilities are a part of your natural state of Being in the higher realms, and you are now in the process of regaining these God-given talents, as well as the ability to assist in the evolutionary process of humanity and the Earth.

We have explained many times and in many ways how you separated your Divine Self into a masculine spark of essence with the characteristics and qualities of our Father God, and a feminine spark of essence with the virtues and attributes of our Mother God.

Since that first separation, each Facet of your Self has refracted into a multitude of smaller Sparks of Divinity, and you have assumed a myriad of forms and innumerable missions throughout this universal experience.

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Break Free from the ‘Mind Game’

mindHilde Larsen – Being able to think is what we tend to believe makes us superior to other beings. Not that we don’t believe that other species think, but we do it so much better. We resonate, analyze and contemplate. We keep pondering and pondering, using the mind as if it was who we were, and the most valuable asset of any human being.

On the contrary, when thoughts are present, true connection cannot flow. Thoughts  often interfere with us being in the now moment, and only by stilling the mind can we listen to our divine truth. Our innate wisdom will come through, and the feeling of calm will rise.

We are thinkers, and even though the ability to think is a great tool, it is also a constant creator of stress, noise and worry. The mind has a tendency to keep going, even though we are not fully aware of this. We spend our days lost in unconscious and unproductive thinking – addictively replaying the same mental patterns, the same old stories, over and over in our heads like a broken record player. Monkey-mind is a Buddhist expression which refers to this incessant chatter that goes on in our heads. Like a restless monkey, it is always moving around. Continue reading

Full Moon is Wednesday, January 31st at 6:27am MST

eclipseLena Stevens – Our second full moon of the month is a “Blue Moon”, a Super Moon and a total Lunar Eclipse. The eclipse will be most visible in Hawaii however the west coast of the US may be able to see a bit of it.

There is fire and determination in this powerful moon. It is best to do something physically active and moving centered during this time. Use your action to represent your desires and intentions. Stay away from toxic people, arguments, heated discussions that don’t go anywhere, and your own fruitless worries and obsessions. Continue reading

Strategies To Read People’s Emotional Energy

energyJudith Orloff – Emotions are a stunning expression of our energy, the “vibe” we give off. We register these with intuition. Some people feel good to be around; they improve your mood and vitality. Others are draining; you instinctively want to get away. This “subtle energy” can be felt inches or feet from the body, though it‘s invisible. Indigenous cultures honor this energy as life force.

In Chinese medicine it‘s called chi, a vitality that‘s essential to health. Though the molecular structure of subtle energy isn’t fully defined, scientists have measured increased photon emissions and electromagnetic readings about healers who emit it during their work.

Emotional energy is contagious. It can make the difference between a toxic and healthy relationship. It’s crucial to get a clear read on this aspect of anyone you plan to regularly interact with. Then, you can decide whether a relationship is feasible based on your energetic compatibility.

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