5 Steps To Move From Anger To Action

jenniferhoffmanAnger isn’t an emotion that we like to dwell on because, aside from making us feel bad, we believe that ‘spiritual’ people don’t get angry. It’s a low energy emotion that we should not be expressing, and when we’re angry we aren’t very good light sources. All of this may be what we believe but it isn’t all true and in fact, believing it does us more harm than good because in order to fully process an emotion we need to know what it is and anger is one of our most powerful emotions, as well as an important source of self empowerment. It’s OK to be angry as long as we use our anger to take action and complete karmic cycles, moving from healing to wholeness.

We’re capable of a lot when we’re very angry and sometimes it takes a lot of anger for us to make a life move. Anger can make us powerful and when we’re angry we are often capable of things that we can’t do when we’re not angry. That’s the empowering side of anger and it’s unfortunate that we do require anger to move ahead. But the disempowering side of anger is the one we usually express, where we stew and rage, feel helpless, powerless, taken advantage of, and are angry with ourselves. Or we hide or deny it because we feel that we shouldn’t be angry with people, especially those who we believe should not make us angry or we should not be angry with.

To understand our anger we have to go back to our soul mission of achieving wholeness and our life purpose of healing. What makes us angry shows us where we have important life lessons and using the anger as a tool for empowerment, to reclaim our energy, is how we make the best use of the empowerment anger can provide us with.

Here are five steps to follow to use anger to take action and reclaim your power: Continue reading

Music In The Key Of Soul

The Conquest of Noise

MusicTrebleClefIt does not take an aficionado to observe the declining quality of contemporary music.  When we dare to explore the radio dial, we often find a barrage of noise attacking our ears and senses.  We may search for the message and our connection with it, though rarely are we able to enjoy or resonate with the songs or the frequency in which they are recorded and broadcast.  Where once we were empowered, inspired and happy in our listening, now we often experience the side effects of corporatized sound.

A hostile takeover has been executed with boardroom secrecy and precision.  It has nearly sacrificed the essence of music.  Initially it was the manipulation of the frequency in which music was tuned, performed and recorded.  Next it was the elementary, commercial, propaganda-laden lyrics influencing our listening, perceptions and lifestyles.  Then it was the incessant promotion of untalented people singing meaningless songs to distract us from the real issues in society and ourselves.  Now it is the control of the industry by the unoriginal few at the cost of the passion and creativity of the many.

An Uphill Battle

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The Art Of Neutral

“The shift of attention from conflict to neutral, sets us free and allows us to access the energy we would normally have utilised in the ‘me versus you’, and ‘us versus them’, and use that energy to create alternative reality” – E Thompson

I am already given to the power that rules my fate. And I cling to nothing, so I will have nothing to defend.
I have no thoughts, so I will see. I fear nothing, so I will remember myself.Detached and at ease, I will dart past the Eagle to be free. – Don Juan Matus.

The Programme of Duality

NeutralAs the pendulum swings back and forth in the game of life, we experience joy and sorrow, triumph and failure, health and sickness, gain and loss, love and hate, all the opposites of life in duality. We are slaves to the reptile mind and our emotions are part of the ‘I’ installation called the ego.

We all know what it feels like to be betrayed, disillusioned, rejected, abandoned, ignored, and the rest of the ugly feelings that are instinctual responses to negative stimulation. We are torn apart by charge, constantly divided and exhausted in the war between our two minds, and the reptilian game of ‘us and them’.

Conflict is polarity and produces the energy called the ‘loosh rote’.  See Meet the Firm.

The Shift into Neutral

Any movement of the assemblage point means a movement away from an excessive concern with the individual self. Shamans believe it is the position of the assemblage point which makes modern man a homicidal egoist, a being totally involved with his self-image.
Having lost hope of ever returning to the source of everything, the average man seeks solace in his selfishness. – Don Juan Matus.

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The 26,000 Year Cycle

SteveRotherGreetings dear ones. Welcome and greetings from Home. We watch you on Earth from afar all the time, and we reach into your world when you allow it. When you open the space for that to happen, we’re here not to tell you which way to turn, nor to direct you to the shortest path to the next stopping point. We simply encourage you to re-member because that is one of the keys. What we wish to speak of today is something we have spoken of before, but now we will take it a step further and share what is taking place on planet Earth right now. As we mentioned before, the end of March is going to be a very important time for humans everywhere. Some of you will feel the energy shifts strongly, and you may even feel released as if you have finally let go of a burden. However, most will not experience that sensation. It is the higher levels that may feel this shift the most. Yet most people will simply feel like it is a normal day yet everything is changing. In truth it is not so much about a single day that is changing, for there is a great deal of energy aligning for this particular movement. So, let us explain.

March 2015

You know a little bit about axial procession and the larger cycles of what take place, for you have so many rhythms on planet Earth. Elrah is here working with you in rhythms in different ways, because these rhythms are starting to change. You have rhythms within the body: circadian, ultradian, and many different rhythms that affect your physical body and alignment with the world around you. You have a changing Lunarian rhythm, basically the cycles of the moon and how they affect all humans. If you are ever wondering if that is true, simply check in with any police station on a full moon and you will understand some of the connections that are taking place. These rhythms are all aligning to help you experience time; rhythms cannot occur without a linear timeframe in which to play them. What is happening at the end of March is only the beginning. Even if you do not feel it consciously you will experience it on some level, because it is opening up to the new energies for everyone.

The Beginning of a New 26,000-Year Cycle Continue reading

Jamye Price ~ The Energies of August 2014

“August is a powerful month of Leo energy that brings cosmic energy into your life in powerful ways.  While smoother than July energetically, it is the culmination of July’s gift of new ‘space’ within.” J Price

July Review

GalacticEnergiesBlueInternal changes, indeed!  Isn’t Ascension fun?  I had a dream in July where I came from a lovely, deep sleep floating in the ocean and then I began speaking to students in a classroom.  I said, “There are fun parts of Ascension and parts that suck.  Let’s talk about the parts of Ascension that suck!” :o)  Eloquent! I had said I was feeling big changes in July, though they were mostly internal (which causes an external shift).  The internal changes of July actually had the effect of releasing some major energy that has allowed for more mental clarity for those that are ready to access it.  I still see collective anger, especially around throat chakra issues (manifestation, expression).

Anger is not a bad thing, it is as valuable and informative an emotion as any other.  The challenge is what to do with it.  It surfaces from within you as your truth, and that should be honored.  How you express it is either beneficial to you or it causes more effort if it isn’t dealt with in a healthy way (for all involved!).  Mostly anger is best released through breathing, taking a walk or exercise, music and movement – things that allow you to release into a more balanced state.  Then you are able to get some clarity as to why you are angry (deep within – not just ‘because of their behavior’) and how you can adjust yourself to accommodate the empowerment that it is calling you toward.  Not always fun stuff, but Lightworkers also shine in a crisis!

July Empowerment

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