There Are No Children Of A Lesser God

Zen-Haven July 8 2013

It is very important that we come to terms with that.

Through all the self-empowerment and new age confirmations and affirmations for the last 30 years or so, it seems like we are still struggling with that fact. Maybe they weren’t that good, eh?

So maybe the solution to this is, taking the understanding of that down at an intellectual level and go for the: feel. I think that is the matrix in it.

We can stand in front of any mirror this world has to offer and tell our reflection: “You are way cooler that you think” until we kick the affirmation bucket. It won’t change a thing. Since it’s an intellectual statement and we are addressing a reflection of us, not the source in us.

It has to ripple and flush through the emotional nervous system like a tidal wave and self-perception will change.

Maybe the more sober version would be: “I´m packed with issues in my burden basket, but still in spite of my self perceived flaws, I´m way cooler than I think and eventually I will prevail”.

The Tao says: “In times of confusion-lower your ambitions”.

Very clever Tao, it took me some time to understand it, since I don’t see ambition of evolution as a bad thing, but if we don’t know where we´re going it might be a good idea to drive a little slower so we don’t get real lost.

If there is such a thing as lost.

Sometimes we need to go so low inside that there only are two options: Departure or rise from the pits and the realms of the weary night of the soul.

I would recommend the Rising.

There’s a season for growth and there’s a season for rest. Nature follows that eternal rhythm, why don’t we accept it? That acceptance being embedded in the Tao mentioned.

It’s a very delicate synchronistic dance between the intellect trying to decipher the metaphysic of life and the “feel” of one self in life.

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How To Instantly Tell Who’s Evil Vs. Good

NaturalNews April 30 2013

EmpowermentI get this question all the time from readers: How can we know whom to believe? Who’s really telling the truth? Which person should I support for political office at the next election?

What if I told you there is an incredibly simple way to tell not only who’s good and who’s bad, but also how to tell who is pushing absolute evil onto our world?

This method is remarkably accurate, and you can use it right now to assess almost anyone.

It all starts with understanding the spectrum of control vs. empowerment.

Imagine a 10-foot string stretched out on the ground. On the far left side of the string, there is a point we’ll call “Control.” On the far right side of the string, another point is called “Empowerment.”

Let’s start with the “Empowerment” side first. This point represents people who primarily seek to empower you with knowledge, skills, wisdom and tools. “Empowerment” represents GOOD because it allows wisdom, skills and abundance to multiply from one person to the next. It recognizes the value of the individual and honors consciousness and free will.

On the far left side of the string — which also represents the political left in America today — we have “Control.” This point represents people who primarily seek to control you: to extract money from you (rob you), to limit your freedoms, to demand your obedience and to use the threat of force to command your compliance. This philosophy dishonors the individual and downplays free will and individual liberty. “Control” is inherently evil because it seeks to diminish the power of a large number of people in order to accumulate power into the hands of a few people.

(The context of this discussion is, of course, entirely in the realm of dealing with adults. Obviously children should be subjected to certain controls for their own development and safety. That’s called good parenting. But to treat adults like children and attempt to control them like a parent controlling a child is unjustified and inherently destructive.)

Examples of “control” vs “empowerment”

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Your Daily Choices Determine How Your Life Will Turn Out

Inspire Me Today | September 12 2012

At this very moment, you are creating your future.

Some people believe that life just happens and that there is nothing they can do about it. Don’t make this mistake. You will limit the abundance that you are meant to have in your life.

There are bad things that happen and there are circumstances that cannot be changed. However, in every situation, you can make choices.

If you truly want to live a good, authentic and rewarding life, you have to internalize the fact that it is your daily choices that decide how your life will turn out.

Each minute you make choices that add up to your life. You choose how you talk internally and to other people, what foods you eat and where you work. You choose everything.

Every good or bad choice you have made has led you to this place in your life.

Now that you know this, you can decide what choices you will make from now on. It is an interesting way to live, because you are forced to look beyond the obvious. You truly have to look at situations in a new way and spend time thinking in order to weigh your options. You have to commit to being in charge of your own life.

When you were a child, life choices were made for you. No matter what situations you have lived through in your life, the only part of it that matters now is what you choose to keep. You may feel shame or embarrassment when you look back and your ego may take a few hits. That’s ok. That’s how you learn from the past and move on. But it is time to look at how you are living right now.

There was a time in my teens and early twenties, when I was unhappy, confused and sad. I drank too much and lived in a way that made me feel less than what I was. Then, at the age of twenty-one, I was in a car accident and broke my neck.

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