Healing with Love [Video]

liloumace | December 13 2012

Leonard Laskow is a Stanford trained physician, who has studied the healing power of love for the past 33 years. He coined the term Holoenergetic Healing, by which he means healing with the energy of the “whole.” Dr. Laskow found that it takes energy to maintain the appearance of separation and that as we bring ourselves into wholeness, the energy of separation is liberated. This energy can then be consciously directed to facilitate our body’s healing response. Dr. Laskow now teaches this process to healing professionals and lay people and is a consultant in Behavioral and Energy Medicine in Ashland, Oregon.


April Crawford | Inner Whispers | November 20  2012

EnergyNever underestimate the power of connection with your spiritual abilities.

If you feel the call to heal, it is important that you allow that energy to flow.

It is a time of change. The laying on of hands and its ability to make a difference for others is a real ability within.

Denying or questioning the reality of it only delays the overall alignment that is needed.

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Energizing Water For Healing

Vishen Lakhiani | Finer Minds | January 17 2012

The post below is from Burt Goldman, the American Monk. Burt is one of the authors we publish at MindValley and a personal friend. His website TheAmericanMonk.com has some 140,000 members! Here he talks about the art of energy transference from your mind to a simple glass of water. This was a big “aha” idea for me and I trust it might be for you too.

Burt Goldman | It’s no secret that your thoughts shape reality.

But even if you’re aware of this fact, what I’m about to show you may still come as a surprise.

First, I’d like to introduce you to Dr. Masaru Emoto. Dr. Emoto is a Japanese scientist and author famous for his studies on the effects of human thoughts and words on water.

The Link Between Your Thoughts And Water

In his experiments, he found that if human speech or thoughts are directed at water droplets before they are frozen, images of the resulting water crystals will be beautiful or ugly, depending on whether the words or thoughts were positive or negative. For a better understanding, watch this clip from the movie ‘What The Bleep Do We Know’:

And now, watch this commentary and message from Dr. Emoto himself:

As you can see, the implications behind Dr. Emoto’s findings are fascinating.

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The Magical Heart of Light Meditation

“Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back into our hearts. Love is the essential reality and our purpose on Earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life. Meaning does not lie in things. Meaning lies in us.” – Marianne Williamson

Jafree Ozwald – This heart meditation exercise is extremely simple, yet produces profound and powerful results. If done correctly, you’ll experience a profound state of deep peace and an expansive joyful sensation in your heart that penetrates every cell and fiber of your being in a matter of minute! Here’s how you do it.

Gently hold your attention on the space where your heart resides in your chest. Visualize a warm golden glowing source of infinite light (like a miniature sun) has taken the place of your heart. Take a minute to feel this golden ball of light is forming inside your chest right now. Continue reading

Goddess Centered Gardening

Cathy Aarset | Fairy Goddess Gardening | January 30 2012

If you’re in or near West San Gabriel Valley, California, and love Mother Earth contact Cathy for inspired advice! ~ Gillian

Goddess Centered Gardening is centered in the heart. It is time to stop, become still and listen.

Listening To The Land

You who are the caretaker of your land, can best listen to the spiritual matrix that is centered in the land that surrounds your house.

What It Is

Goddess Centered Gardening is loving your land. It is loving the plants that have been there for ever! It is sitting with your Garden and asking what can bring more light and energy flow. It is learning about your soil and planting what best will live in harmony with the spiritual matrix and you. It is sitting, listening, waiting with joy and anticipation at what amazing possibilities that can come into your life if you would just ask. The land will tell you and Source will meet you, then all three will dream and imagine, create and activate that which will facilitate joy, light, healing and harmony for all who enter your garden and all who live within It’s borders.

Goddess Centered Gardening Is A New Way

I know that this is wholly new. Gardens are alive with energy flowing through them, just as you and I are. This way will not be everyone’s way. We are, though, awakening to our world on a deeper level. I would like to help you connect to your land so that; you can create an environment that suits just you and those who live with you, so that light, healing and energy flow effortlessly.

You and the Garden will lead the way and I would like to help you connect with the spiritual life of your garden so you can listen and create a design that is harmonious and healing. Connection with Earth, Spirit and Source is what Goddess Centered Gardening and Fairy Goddess Gardening is all about.