
April Crawford | Inner Whispers | November 20  2012

EnergyNever underestimate the power of connection with your spiritual abilities.

If you feel the call to heal, it is important that you allow that energy to flow.

It is a time of change. The laying on of hands and its ability to make a difference for others is a real ability within.

Denying or questioning the reality of it only delays the overall alignment that is needed.

There are many gifted healers upon the earth at this time. Most feel the denseness of physical reality, which often makes them doubt the trueness of their abilities. In times of struggle, these very healers incarnated to be that avenue of assistance. It is important to push past the doubt so that others may benefit.

Whether it’s emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual healing that is required, spirit will support the gifts within you.

Each day breathe deeply in appreciation and go forth to others who would need you.

Bringing balance to a distorted reality is a challenge. However, there are many incarnate, so allow your energy to bond. In that unison, more than just a single energy will be balanced. Perhaps a whole segment of a linear congested world will feel the effects as well.

Be encouraged to align with your abilities. The reality is in great need of your energy. Give of it freely so that your vibration can lift the linear to where it needs to be.

Again, be who you are.

If you are a healer…

Be the healer without any doubt.

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