The Greatest Game Is Your Life

Enlightened Messages | December 17 2011

consciousnessLife is a game, and you are already dressed up as one of the ultimate players in it.

If you start believing in this masquerade, thinking you’re just a separate “somebody” who’s lacking love, money and connection then your game of life becomes overly serious and you stop having fun with it all.

Realize that you are making up the rules as you go and make a new rule that you can choose to laugh at your problems, frolic  in the sunshine, and get to know that divine God Source that lives inside you! 

You can stop all this crazy mind chatter instantly and know your Self as pure unbounded consciousness! You are a brilliant ball of unlimited creative energy who can invent any approach you want to this game. Choose one that is filled with fun, lightness, and laughter and you’ll love the results 10 years down the road.

Today is your day to discover how to really play again. Best of all, you have a large variety of very interesting players out in the world who are eager to join in the fun with you!

We are all excited to see what your next move is, and you cannot make a mistake in this magical infinite playground. So step outside your normal “boundaries” and make today an amazing day that you’ll always remember.

Once you decide to pierce through all your mind’s illusions of what is right and wrong, you will start playing your best and enjoy this outrageous spiritual adventure to the max!

Meditate On The Ocean Of Existence

Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Messages
December 16 2011


Something quite divine occurs when you stop focusing on your separate self and let your mind merge and melt into the vast ocean of existence.  There is a great sea of atoms, quarks, and quantum energy that creates this sweet soup of consciousness for you to bathe in.  So take off your clothes and dive right in!  Just notice how the wet cooling qualities of the entire ocean can be found within a single drop.

The greatest illusion that you can participate in is that you are just a single drop of this ocean and that you are not also this entire ocean itself.

Do not live another day in illusion.  Realize that we are all deeply connected with everyone and everything on the most subtle of levels.

When you focus your mind for hours on this ocean of pure conscious energy that truly knows no separation, you will discover bliss.