Dealing With “Energy Vampires”

energy vampiresVeronica – We have spoken to many who report negative energy attacks by others.  Often they are defined by what some call “evil spirits”.  We say that more often than not the moments are created by other incarnates.  Some wish to hijack extra energy for themselves.  Some in their own desperation take energy because they have difficulty generating enough on their own.

The most impactful part of an energy attack by another is trusting the universe again.  To allow oneself to be totally aligned and then drained is definitely a traumatic event.  This is especially so because of the trust issues involved.

Linear life is filled with such potholes that leave most of you in a rush to protect yourself.  It can be a paralyzing moment for the most evolved individual.  The most unfortunate part of that is to be really alive, it’s important to be open energetically. Continue reading

Energy Vampires That Leave You Emotionally Drained

energy vampiresConscious Reminder – An energy vampire is a person who feeds off your emotional, or psychic, energy. People who display energy vampire traits generally lack empathy, sensitivity, and emotional maturity.

As a result of the pain or insecurity they feel inside, energy vampires are addicted to preying on the vitality of others as an attempt to heal their inner suffering. ​

Six types of energy vampires:

1. The Victim Or Martyr Vampire

They prey off guilt and believe that they are “at mercy” of the world and suffer due to other people. Rising out of extremely low self-esteem, their behavior is usually marked by blaming others and manipulating the other person into thinking that you are the one who damaged them. Only solution to deal with such people is to look out for self-pity cues and snot feed their pity with further empathy. Continue reading

Ways To Prevent Chronic Fatigue

energy vampiresAletheia Luna – Energy.  It’s the very strength and vitality we require to live a dynamic, driven and determined life.  We all have it and we all need it, yet many of us find ourselves lifeless and lethargic by the end (and sometimes at the beginning), of the day.

Life is precious and unpredictably short-lived.  It’s no wonder then, that many of us drag ourselves through each day miserable and melancholic with the thought that we could be living much better lives.

Throughout the ages, high-energy has been associated with happy, vivacious people, and low-energy with depressed and apathetic people.  Unfortunately, psychosomatic medicine has shown a strong link between the mind and body, meaning that the less energy we possess, the more prone we’ll be to suffer from illnesses such as depression, anxiety and other mood disorders.

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