Dealing With “Energy Vampires”

energy vampiresVeronica – We have spoken to many who report negative energy attacks by others.  Often they are defined by what some call “evil spirits”.  We say that more often than not the moments are created by other incarnates.  Some wish to hijack extra energy for themselves.  Some in their own desperation take energy because they have difficulty generating enough on their own.

The most impactful part of an energy attack by another is trusting the universe again.  To allow oneself to be totally aligned and then drained is definitely a traumatic event.  This is especially so because of the trust issues involved.

Linear life is filled with such potholes that leave most of you in a rush to protect yourself.  It can be a paralyzing moment for the most evolved individual.  The most unfortunate part of that is to be really alive, it’s important to be open energetically.

So what is the answer to this riddle?  For there are many evolved souls who seek the contact of others, only to find themselves at the mercy of a negative attack.  We would say in linear terms it would be best to avoid such contact.  The real answer is in the solidness of one’s own perceptions of personal energy.  Understanding your reserves and how to use them for your own growth is important.

We are not saying to avoid every negative individual.  We say that paying attention to those around you that would do such a thing.

Greed for energy abounds everywhere, not just physical reality.  Always observe with an honest eye.  It may be disappointing to find that perhaps even a close friend may be guilty of this action.

Tempering interaction.

Discerning when to protect and when to not.

All of this is easily monitored.  Be clear with your assessments with others.  You do not have to be victim to these types of theft.  Be able to say “No” when you need to.

Stay focused.

SF Source Inner Whispers Sep 2019

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