Identifying Inverted Systems: Protecting Your Consciousness

Identifying Inverted Systems: Protecting Your ConsciousnessLisa Renee – Inverted Systems feed upon human co-creative consciousness by purposely tricking people out of their personal intent and consent. With the current acceleration of the electronic era, the exploitation to manipulate and extract energy from humanity is at an all-time high.

This month we look at Inverted Systems and how to identify them, in order not to feed them or co-create with them. Simply put, where we place our attention directs our consciousness energy, while where we place our intention is what transforms that energy.  To increase the frequency and quality of consciousness energy and intention, the single most important thing we must do is remove the ego personality and outer forces from exerting their control over our personal consciousness energy or intention. Continue reading

From Illusion to Reality: Connecting with Love and Eternal Joy

From Illusion to Reality: Connecting with Love and Eternal JoyJohn Smallman – “As you all continue to focus on inviting the Love of God to fill your hearts daily, and then allowing yourselves to feel and enjoy It, be aware that your numbers are increasing massively every day. Love is inundating Planet Earth and every sentient being presently in form.

Your constantly renewed intent to be only loving whatever may arise during your day is extremely powerful, and consequently Love is flowing powerfully through each one of you, and strongly influencing everyone with whom you interact in even the slightest or most minor way.

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Believing in the Unseen: Manifesting Through Faith

Believing in the Unseen: Manifesting Through FaithThe Angels – You are energetic beings, having a physical experience. Your bodies translate the world of energy into your human sensory experience. Your science understands this. All that you see is your brain’s interpretation of wavelengths. All that you hear is your brain’s interpretation of sound waves. All that you taste is your body’s interpretation of chemical interactions and signals.

Each of your senses is a translator of energy. The brain, the gut, the skin, and even components of your body that you have yet to understand interpret the energies around you and give you what you call your physical experience. They also give you what you call your intuition. Continue reading

Find the Courage to Evolve

loveRachel Horton White  The energy right now is that of a pulling in, a going inward. This is partially due to Mercury retrograde and largely due to the seismic energetic shift in consciousness and collective awakening happening all over the planet.

We are being confronted with our shadows. We are being asked to make choices. And our choices matter. Do we choose to look at our phones or spend time with our children? Do we pick up a piece of trash on the ground, or walk on by, assuming that it’s not our problem? Do we smile or offer a kind word or gesture, to the homeless person we pass by on the street, or do we walk on by, pretending not to see them? Continue reading

What March 2024 Is Really About

What March 2024 Is Really AboutDaniel Scranton – “We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

Yes, indeed it is a wonderful time to be alive there on Earth, and it is a wonderful time to be alive because you are awake. And because you are awake, you know you can change everything with a single thought. You know that you do not have to physically move a mountain to experience that mountain in a different place, and you know this because you understand the nature of reality and that it is always changing because you are always shifting. Continue reading