IELTS Writing Tips

IELTSWriting components of the International English Language Testing System exam (IELTS) are designed to evaluate how appropriately you write a response, accurately use vocabulary and grammar, and organize ideas. IELTS exams comprise two tasks which students must respond to in an hour as perfect essay writers.

The first task requires candidates to provide a written response on a subject of their choice. For example, you may decide to write a film analysis essay which describes, explains, or summarizes visual information such as tables, diagrams, or graphs. The second task requires response to a problem, argument, or point of view while discursively considering the issues that matter. The answers you provide must be relevant to the topic at hand. Continue reading

Quirky Chinglish Signs Embarrassing Their City (Which We All Can’t Help Finding Funny)

Mail Online | August 3 2012 | Thanks, Thomas 🙂

China’s most cosmopolitan city has claimed it is winning its war against ‘Chinglish’, the ungrammatical and misspelt English that is scattered across its streets.

Officials from Shanghai’s ‘quality watchdog’ revealed the accuracy of English language signs in public spaces had improved 85 per cent since it took action three years ago.

The news will dismay many English-speaking residents, who have developed a fondness for the city’s quirky signs


Embarrassing: Shanghai is trying to stamp out signs like this that were poorly translated into English

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