Acknowledging Someone’s Power Is The Greatest Gift You Can Give Them

Jennifer HoffmanCreator deityThe human state or condition has access to the same level of power that exists within the higher dimensions of being. The achievement of any level of spiritual growth is not an opportunity to take on additional power because everything in the Universe has equal power as it all emanates from the same source. What changes with the increase in vibration is the connection to source, which also allows for a greater understanding of the self as divine and the awareness of power. So while additional power cannot be granted to anyone, power cannot be taken away either.

Those who appear to steal your power are able to convince you to give it to them, and you do so willingly. You do this when you think someone is incapable of being powerful, that they cannot manage their life, that they have less ability or opportunity than you do or that they can live your life more fully and powerfully with your power than you can. These people receive the gift of your power, which you volunteer with a loving heart, which they then take as their own. Now they have the benefit of their own power (which they always had) and yours too.

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