You Are Powerful, Beautiful And Extraordinary

You Are Powerful, Beautiful And ExtraordinaryJafree Ozwald – No matter what happens to you in life, remember this one sweet understanding. You are powerful beyond measure, beautiful beyond words and truly an extraordinary being who has access to unlimited love, creativity and pleasure!

All this is available inside you now. To access it, sit with the investigation of this understanding for a few minutes and see what happens! You might discover some resistance, denial or perhaps the realization that this amazing fact is already true within you all the time.

“Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.” – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

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The World Is Your Mirror

Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher – The world is a beautiful mirror that is always reflecting yourself back to you. What you see happening in your outer world is a representation (on a deeper level) of what is going on somewhere in your inner world.

If you are overflowing with love for your fellow man, vibrating love with every cell in your body, you’ll experience people who are feeling this love and their love is reflected back towards you. On the other hand, if all you see in your outer world is disharmony, aggression and fighting, then there must be an inner battle happening deeper inside.

“The world is your mirror and your mind is a magnet. What you perceive in this world is largely a reflection of your own attitudes and beliefs.” ~ Michael LeBeuf

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How to Access Your Enlightened Infinite Nature

Jafree Ozwald – We are all Enlightened Beings in disguise. Every being is born with full access to the highest peak of consciousness. If you look into a baby’s eyes you will see it. The sparkle of their pure uncluttered untainted consciousness is there. You can see that there is no time or beliefs in control of their mind, there’s just pure presence and awareness. They are a divine loving presence naturally, without even trying their Enlightened Nature shines through. This consciousness is in all of us for we were all once a baby.

“All beings are from the very beginning Buddhas.” ~ Hakuin

If our Enlightened Nature is already here now, complete and whole in itself, why isn’t the entire world filled with an abundance of Enlightened Beings? There is one little thing called the “ego”. Continue reading

Enlightened and Enlightenment

lightJennifer Hoffman – I always celebrate my clients’ enlightenment and then have to explain that this is the first step in the process because while the light has been shed on their issues, they have completed the first step and are now enlightened. Completing their healing work to becoming whole and then congruent are the other steps in the process. We may believe that seeking enlightenment is our purpose, mission, and final act, but it is not. Being enlightened (turning on the light) is the beginning of the journey of enlightenment because turning the light on in the room is the first step, then we have to go into the room to finish what we started.

There is nothing about our soul mission or life purpose that is ‘easy’, that is to say, that doesn’t require any effort or participation on our part. While some teachers may misguide their audiences into believing that they can ‘wish to make things happen’ that is simply untrue. Setting intention (not wishes) is the first step in any process of enlightenment or transformation. So we do have to engage in our own processes. By the same token, enlightenment is not the end of the journey, it is just the beginning. Continue reading

Meditation and Kindness: Two Keys to Creating an Enlightened Society [Audio]

buddhismLodro Rinzler is an author and renowned meditation teacher who has led trainings at Google, Harvard, and the White House. His many books include The Buddha Walks into a Bar and How to Love Yourself.

In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon and Lodro discuss the Shambhala tradition of Buddhism that Lodro teaches in—specifically, its goal of creating an enlightened society. They speak on how to truly cultivate kindness and what it takes to be a mindful leader during difficult times. Lodro comments on what he calls “The Four Exhilarations” and “The Four Dignities,” and in a culmination of the discussion, explains his overarching mission in teaching meditation to the world. (62 minutes)

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Excerpt – So, Shambhala stems from Tibetan Buddhism, specifically out of these four major schools that are often considered within the Tibetan Buddhist world. There’s the Sakya school, which stems from the Gray Earth Sakya monastery. There’s the Gelugpa school, which people commonly know as the Dalai Lama as the head of that particular school. And then, there are the Kagyu and Nyingma schools. Continue reading