Stellar Entrepreneurial Advice from Financial Thought Leaders

Entrepreneurial AdviceAmidst many advantages the online landscape affords the average person perhaps the most significant one is gaining perspective and knowledge from the most successful people in the world without having to go anywhere or buy anything.

There is a great deal of insight to be gleaned from successful figures like Richard Branson, Arianna Huffington, Suzie Orman, Mark Cuban and a host of other thought leaders, but what about nuggets of knowledge from less-known-but-stellar entrepreneurs?

Keep these evergreen pieces of entrepreneurial advice in mind as you navigate your dreams.

You’re Only as Good as the Quality of People You Hire

Read: an employee’s intelligence, talent and skill set can only take a company so far. Truly successful companies grow and stand the test of time because they hire exceptional people; they don’t settle for an objectively good hire that doesn’t perpetuate a positive, collaborative work environment. Continue reading