UFOs, Tesla, DeLonge, ETs, covert ops

(UFO archive, here)

“I have harnessed the cosmic rays and caused them to operate a motive device.” — Nikola Tesla, Brooklyn Eagle (10 July 1931)

technologyJon Rappoport – This is a “what if” story. But it’s also based on decades of experience analyzing propaganda and cover stories.

It’s based on the knowledge that military and intelligence operatives are trained to lie, and they like to lie, and they get up in the morning, licking their chops, because they know they’re going to lie during another day in paradise.

Is Tesla and his breakthrough science the hidden element in UFO research? Is he being buried under a welter of cover stories? In any event, cover stories ARE being floated in great numbers. Continue reading

Why the Vatican Has Covered Up Humanity’s ‘Pre Flood’ History

Eight spoked wheel used by ritualistic religion and occultists

Humans are Free – The Roman Catholic church has worked hard to keep the general public from fully understanding the ‘pre-flood’ civilization in human history.

The pre-flood world is one of mystery and seems to have been edited out of history in order to fit within Biblical ideologies; a strategy used to keep the human race from interacting with Alien races.

So, does The Vatican control history?

Anyone who does research can see that history has been overwritten by powerful forces, evidence that come in the form of artifacts and scholarly articles have been hidden or destroyed.

Why? Churches were built over pagan sites in order to conquer civilizations and cover up pre-flood remains.

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Contact – The Time Is Now

Carlos TavaresI am defining Contact here as actual contact with other intelligent, sentient entities that are not from this world or even this Earths frequency, ie. non Earth based entities from other planets and civilizations, which may be human like or totally different to us. Also included here is contact with versions of our future selves!

The purpose of Contact I feel is to expand our reality and experience.

As we awaken to the immenseness of the universe, we can then perceive and experience the multi-verses and the other beings existing in other frequency slices of the electro-magnetic spectrum. All we have been able to perceive up to now is but the smallest fraction of a faction of a single percentage – (the Visible Light Spectrum that can be seen with the human eye, by most estimates, is about 0.0035% of the electromagnetic spectrum!)

Now we are ready for the next phase in our evolution! This is very much a personal quest. We do not need any governments or authorities to do it for us, we have seen already where that has taken us. It is our own journey. The onus is on us.

Until Now

Bit by bit we have painfully pieced together the situation we find ourselves in: we are a civilization genetically created by more advanced beings in the past to fulfil their work and other agendas, mostly in the form of a Hybrid Slave Species. Our species, (we the hybrids) has been tinkered with many times and by many different races. Furthermore our planet has been hijacked, controlled and heavily manipulated and suppressed.

However that is all fine, as the past is the past! We can take what we have and move forward with that, except this time under our own command and directorship. A new sovereign awakening spiritual race of people!

We already have the t-shirts of negatively based contact experiences whether that be alien abductions or the entire Reptilian and Annunaki Agenda (as well other known and unknown forces). We now move forward to contact that is higher in frequency. We should not allow our hectic past experiences to deter us from awesome future possibilities and experiences! It was all but a starting point in our awakening. Logically, as you awaken, the first entities you would normally encounter are your gate keepers, your slave masters, but we now have moved past that phase into more evolved interactions.

Many Forms and Types of Contact

What first comes to mind is the sightings of UFOs in the skies, lights that do all sorts of strange things (except nowadays you don’t really know if they are their crafts or ours, what with all the Black Projects and back-engineering going on in secret on Earth!)

You would then generally move to actual face to face encounters with some of these beings with associated communication, i.e. verbal or telepathic. Really significant contact in this way has been rare and we also need to bear in mind that some of these more malevolent creatures can easily disguise themselves as someone else to trick and deceive you and give you misinformation.

Advanced cloning can create any creature, which can also be used to deceive and distract you. The trick here is that it boils down to your own frequency specific, in others words directly what your state of mind is at the time, is what you attract. If you are constantly focusing on the more negative aspects of contact, then that in itself will just initiate those experiences, or bring more of them to you if you have already had them. So it is time to move on and hold the focus of what you desire! Some preparatory work, training if you like could also happen in your dream states to start to help you prepare for your actual experiences.

Orbs are the easiest way for someone to start to have contact and expand their mindset. (See my article on Orbs, our first real Contact! ) Simply by using a normal digital camera and having the intent to see them, is how you start. The digital camera simply records what is there without the mental blocks. The camera is used as a tool to bridge the gap and start to open you up to greater possibilities!

Look at the many orbs in one photograph below. (Different colours representing different frequencies!)


With the digital camera we can capture images of other beings apart from orbs. As in this photo below where a tall cat-like being allowed itself to be photographed!


Sometimes we get contact from unexpected gatecrashers, like in this image when this creature came into frequency enough during a meditation that it was able to be captured by the camera!


Also keep watching the skies! Not only at night but also during daytime. Some of these craft are disguised as clouds, so pay particular attention to single unusual clouds. This technique is also a Soft Conditioning by the ETs to help us get used to their presence. (See also my article on UFOs as Clouds http://www.mastersconnection2020.com/index.php/archived-articles/general/1172-qufosq-as-clouds ) Keep a look out too for unusual distortions and movements in the sky!

Important to know that we can have other kinds of contact other than by using our sense of sight! Other beings can too be sensed through smells, touch, taste and sound (and our sixth sense!). We need to awaken and refine our senses.

Touch can be a form of contact. Some mischievous entities will pull on your leg physically while you are in deep meditation or come and sit or lean or your bed at night to where you can feel the mattress moving. It is all different kinds of contact!

The key to a better understanding of our greater reality is also to learn more about frequency. Some of these craft and beings are but the slightest of frequency shift away, just beyond what we would call our normal perception.


For the more esoteric minded people you can have contact using a normal mirror and trancing at what is initially your own reflection, with the intent for alien or ETs to show their faces. After a little practice you will be amazed at the diversity of entities that appear right in front of you. You will need to get past the initial fear factor as some of these beings do not look like us. But fortunately this is a naturally progressive discipline and you will only see what you can handle! If you want to see more you simply push deeper and longer into trance! As you progress they will show themselves more and more to you. Dont judge, just Observe and allow your mind to expand your reality. After some time it will be as if you are watching an episode of Star Trek, the amount of diversity is just amazing!


The key is to go beyond the initial fear and stay present. Fear is what must be conquered to raise the frequency, even though it is normally our first response to an unknown experience. Also remember that some of these entities you are having the experience with is you, yourself from different future realities and times. (We then also have the possibility of contacting ourselves in parallel worlds!)

The Discipline of Sky-Watching

The amount of effort you put in will determine how much you will get out. 5 minutes once a week is not going to get you anywhere. If you want your own proof then do the work! Make dedicated time as often as you can, e.g. an hour per evening.

  • Simply sit outside where you have a clear view of the open skies.

  • Chill-out, get comfortable and enjoy the view! Preferably where there is no light pollution and no moonlight

  • Beings will not respond to demands but sometimes to requests!

  • Start out by spotting the satellites. Satellites move in straight lines and generally maintain the same light intensity, unless they go behind a cloud

  • Sooner or later you will get something that is not a satellite:

  1. Does not move in a straight line or changes direction

  2. Is of different changing colours

  3. Throbbing or pulsing

  4. Totally disappears and then may re-appear

  5. Could be like a shooting star, but one that only appears where you happen to be looking

  6. A light that is moving that all of a sudden starts to power-up and power-up to the point where it is the brightest object in the sky

  7. Start to learn where the major stars and planets are every night, so that you can immediately see if something is there that is not supposed to be there

  8. You can also get powers-up from stationary craft

  9. If they want to they will light–up the interior of the craft to the point that you will be able to make out the entities

  10. Look out for formation of moving UFOs, from two to many all moving together

  11. Also be aware of dark objects that may come overhead that do not purposefully emit light, but that block-out the stars! Try and formulate a shape and size. There will be no sound

  12. Dont initially try and take pics as the camera only becomes a distraction. The personal experience is more important. If your friends also want proof well then they too must make the effort!

  13. Be aware of changing frequency which can sometimes be picked-up by a sudden ringing in the ears

  14. A strong laser-pointer may also help, especially if you draw Triads in the sky. They will often appear inside the area where you have drawn the Triad!

  15. It does not matter where you are on this planet! Mind will connect to mind!

Here is an example of power-ups from James Gilliland ranch to get this IDEA into your consciousness. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8Dws2005es . Remember that when they power-up, the light that they emit is not just light but also an information burst! Also remember that while doing the sky-watch that your thoughts, intent and consciousness can transcend and penetrate all dimensions and frequency, so hold the focus, but in a relaxed and laidback way!

Creating the next level of Contact and Mentorship

We cannot expect the alien beings to do everything. We can however meet them half way by creating contact on our terms, eg circumstances in which fear is not a factor. They are clearly so far ahead of us in technology, evolution and spirituality, so we could certainly learn a lot from them (just look at the state of the planet right now!).

Alex Collier, one of the greatest true contactees of our time, has brought to the public domain an enormous body of data from the Andromedans. He is suggesting that we create our next contact experiences in consciousness by visualizing how we would like it to happen. Here is an example: Visualize where you would want the craft to land, then the ETs stepping out and meeting you, where after you can sit under a shade of a big tree and communicate with them directly, on a regular basis!

Bear in mind that the craft as well as the ETs themselves may be composed of far different frequencies to us, so just blindly running at them or their craft could lead to serious radiation burns. Follow their lead! We do not want to worship them, just learn from and befriend them. (If you want to worship them you will get the wrong type of ET, just some insecure entity like Jehovah or a Reptilian, wanting to be worshipped as a God!))

Other Consciousnesses

We have also not even begun to scratch the surface with regard to other entities that live right here on Earth, below ground surface, inside the Earth as well as in the Oceans! Not to mention the different types of little people which I am sure there are many different species, right amongst us but just beyond our normal perception. Finally the greatest consciousness of all here on this planet which is the actual consciousness of mother Earth herself. Contact experiences will give humanity a bigger sandbox to play in and the expanded awareness and experiences that advance us in our own personal spiritual journey!

Closing Thought to Ponder!

Have you ever considered contacting your very ancient past selves?! To a time/s before you dropped in frequency, playing these lower level games of creation and forgot all the knowledge and forgot who you truly are!

Carlos Tavares is a Contributing Writer for Shift Frequency.

You may repost this article as long as you include a link back to SF with attribution to site and writer.  Thank you.

Shift Frequency © 2016

The Missing Element To Contact

energiesJames Gilliland – We are getting bombarded with new energies. Not only are we moving through a highly energized place in space, the sun is reacting to these energies. There are solar storms in process, massive coronal holes and incoming flares.

The 11th dimensional ships are using these energies as part of the awakening and healing process along with the beautiful many Saints, Sages, and Star Nations.

It is a natural evolution and the timing is ripe for the BS.

It is said there will be wars and rumors of wars

The tyrants are rising, revealing themselves and their agendas in total ignorance of these greater forces. They don’t know why their plans keep falling apart. They and their agendas are not frequency specific to the plans on high.

Their efforts are like that of a bat flying frantically in circles trying to block the sun. Bats are not equipped to fly in the sunlight nor are the tyrants to continue their agendas in the days to come. The eagles are observing on high flowing with the process. My suggestion is avoid the bat*hit crazy people during this process. There will be a lot of people having extreme difficulties adapting to these new energies.

Without being fully grounded in Universal Law, being service oriented with one’s own personal God/Creator/Spirit connection and knowing how to maintain your center with loving detachment it is going to be extremely difficult to get through these times.

The UFO community and the missing element to contact

This brings us to another topic.  I will tell you this from the ultra dimensional perspective. They do not care if you prove they exist. They do not care if your government acknowledges their existence. Those in the know and in the loop in government know they exist.

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