The Missing Element To Contact

energiesJames Gilliland – We are getting bombarded with new energies. Not only are we moving through a highly energized place in space, the sun is reacting to these energies. There are solar storms in process, massive coronal holes and incoming flares.

The 11th dimensional ships are using these energies as part of the awakening and healing process along with the beautiful many Saints, Sages, and Star Nations.

It is a natural evolution and the timing is ripe for the BS.

It is said there will be wars and rumors of wars

The tyrants are rising, revealing themselves and their agendas in total ignorance of these greater forces. They don’t know why their plans keep falling apart. They and their agendas are not frequency specific to the plans on high.

Their efforts are like that of a bat flying frantically in circles trying to block the sun. Bats are not equipped to fly in the sunlight nor are the tyrants to continue their agendas in the days to come. The eagles are observing on high flowing with the process. My suggestion is avoid the bat*hit crazy people during this process. There will be a lot of people having extreme difficulties adapting to these new energies.

Without being fully grounded in Universal Law, being service oriented with one’s own personal God/Creator/Spirit connection and knowing how to maintain your center with loving detachment it is going to be extremely difficult to get through these times.

The UFO community and the missing element to contact

This brings us to another topic.  I will tell you this from the ultra dimensional perspective. They do not care if you prove they exist. They do not care if your government acknowledges their existence. Those in the know and in the loop in government know they exist.

They know very little about the higher dimensional beings. Why? Because they have not risen to the occasion. This includes a large portion of the UFO community. They are stuck in the nuts and bolts, black projects, abductions, and have fallen prey to the greys, reptilians and serpent beings, “archons.”

If you knew how many people on the highest levels are planned opposition and open gates to low level contacts most would lose their cookies. Yet in revealing this information one comes under attack by the very people their intentions are to free.

Seriously where is the love?

The higher dimensional beings hang out in the frequencies of love, joy, bliss, and service to others. The intellectual programs will never be successful in contacting the benevolent, spiritually and technologically advanced beings because they cannot jump the gap.

It is through the heart contact is made. Your soul sits right next to the heart and it is the connector to your multidimensional self. There is no purposeful good in participating in these rigid, militaristic, mental programs. They are inspired by archonic forces eventually leading one down a very dark path.

We receive people all the time at ECETI with cords, implants, attachments, etc. who have taken these paths. It creates a lot of extra work for us and derails one’s soul evolution. Yet addressing this we get the smug, spiritual ego programs boasting they are beyond any negativity and darkness. Guess who gave you that program?

It is extremely irresponsible to teach this nonsense and the ones teaching it are most likely influenced by the archons. To be enlightened is to be in knowledge of both sides of the coin, no half truths.

Self Mastery means one has to maintain their own self authority set boundaries, learn to heal unseen negative influences and develop their own inner sensitivity using discernment in every situation. Regardless of the fame and the name.

It does not matter if I am right or wrong in this matter. As the new energies continue to come in you will see exactly who these people are, their real agendas and who they serve. I know this is not a touchy feely message, there are others to give you those, this is a get on with your Self Mastery message.

Note: Today is my Fathers birthday. He is no longer with us in the physical but spiritually he never left overseeing on high from the 6th Dimension. He was a walking Buddha a grand example of fatherhood. His last words were, “Beam me up.” I was with him in his passing and found it odd he would say, “Beam me Up as his last words.” I walked outside looked up and there was a beautiful turquoise light ship hovering over the house.

Heaven has many mansions, many dimensions and we often return to our Star Families. His was the Orion Council of Light. I can see now why he was my father. What is interesting is my birthday is the 22nd, we are a day apart plus a few years. If anyone ever asked me where I acquired my bad humor, I would have to give him credit. I just thought it was fitting to honor him this day. He is with me in spirit as I am writing this letter.

Make your own personal God/Spirit/Creator connection. Do not give your power away. On your path to enlightenment the Masters, Saints , Sages, and benevolent spiritually and technologically advanced Off Worlders and Ultra Dimensionals will find you. It is all connected. You might even see a Gnome, Fairy or Sasquatch along the way. There are some great Self Mastery workshiops coming up check out

SF Source  July 2016

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