Is Real Purpose of Mueller Investigation for Mueller to Destroy Evidence of Hillary-Obama Criminal Activity?

muellerJoe Hoft – Is the Special Investigation created by former Obama and Hillary lackeys from the FBI and Department of Justice, not only an effort to find dirt on President Trump and his administration but also to destroy records that would lead to Obama or Hillary crimes?

We already know that former FBI Head and current Special Counsel in the Russia Investigation Robert Mueller is a Bad Cop.

As reported at the [Gateway Pundit], you can tell a bad cop just as easily by what he doesn’t do as what he does do. As an example, the following major scandals and likely crimes that Mueller did not meaningfully investigate as FBI Director resulting in no arrests and no consequences:

Emailgate (2007): discovery that several top Bush administration officials violated the Presidential Records Act by using an RNC server for email communications while conducting official business, followed by the deletion of millions of the same emails Continue reading

Vegas shooting: concert workers’ phone footage wiped clean by FBI Oct 13

fbiJon Rappoport – Paul Watson at infowars has the story:

“Workers at the Route 91 festival during which Stephen Paddock unleashed his massacre have reportedly been given back their phones and laptops by the FBI only to discover that all messages and videos from the night of the attack have been wiped clean.”

“According to a Las Vegas resident who posted a status update on Facebook, ‘A bunch of people that worked the Route 91 [concert] said they got their cell phones back today. They all said that all their phones are completely wiped clean! All messages and info from that weekend are completely gone. Anyone else experience this’?”

“’A few different people who were vendors there are all saying the same thing,’ the woman later comments.”

“Later in the thread, a Route 91 worker confirms the story, commenting, ‘Of course. It’s an active federal crime scene. They can wipe it clean. I was the beverage manager for the entire event. My laptop is wiped clean’.”


First of all, in a recent article, I demonstrated in detail why you can never trust what the FBI says about evidence in any investigation. There is a notorious history of the Bureau cooking and slanting and inventing data to support prosecutions. Continue reading

Key Questions about RussiaGate

evidenceCharles Hugh Smith – The claims that Russia meddled in the 2016 U.S. election are now known as RussiaGate, in a loose reference to the Watergate scandal of the early 1970s.

In the U.S., the issue has been poisoned by profound partisanship: those who feel disenfranchised by the election of Donald Trump are trying to use RussiaGate to unseat or cripple the Trump presidency, while those who elected Trump feel RussiaGate is nothing but an attempt by the corrupt status quo to disenfranchise them.

Let’s see if we can clarify the issues with some key questions.

1. Did Russia meddle in the 2016 U.S. election? This is the entire thing in a nutshell. But this raises a second question: did Russia successfully meddle in the 2016 U.S. election? In other words, we have two investigations: one to identify verifiable, legally actionable evidence of meddling, and a second investigation into the effects of any meddling–should evidence arise that would stand up in court. Continue reading

Why the Vatican Has Covered Up Humanity’s ‘Pre Flood’ History

Eight spoked wheel used by ritualistic religion and occultists

Humans are Free – The Roman Catholic church has worked hard to keep the general public from fully understanding the ‘pre-flood’ civilization in human history.

The pre-flood world is one of mystery and seems to have been edited out of history in order to fit within Biblical ideologies; a strategy used to keep the human race from interacting with Alien races.

So, does The Vatican control history?

Anyone who does research can see that history has been overwritten by powerful forces, evidence that come in the form of artifacts and scholarly articles have been hidden or destroyed.

Why? Churches were built over pagan sites in order to conquer civilizations and cover up pre-flood remains.

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Two U.S. Senators state there’s no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia

evodemceRobert Laurie – Democrats are desperate to show something – anything – that proves a link between the 2016 Trump campaign and the Russians. Every single left-wing media outlet has been focused on it while Dem-friendly surrogates, donors, and PACs have been searching for it. Democrat politicians, many with access to highly classified material, have made the accusations but still, to this day, there is simply no proof it ever happened.

That doesn’t stop them from getting in front of a camera and yakking about it, though.  “Russian hackers” somehow “interfered” with Hillary’s rightful ascension, and that cannot be tolerated.

Enter Dianne Feinstein.  Last week, she was on Wolf Blitzer’s show.  There, she was asked directly if she had any proof to support the left-wing conspiracy theories.

…She does not. Continue reading