Each one is aligned with a different frequency of light

Photo by Marina

Gillian MacBeth Louthan – As we move our awareness fully into this dimensional shift we come to a Crossroads in which we stand facing all directions simultaneously. In this place we are asked to enter into the fullness of our self, our soul and our mission. Each one of us is aligned with a different frequency of light, a different star system, a different flavor of life. All together we form a unit of living God.  Even though this unit often disagrees with itself about itself, it houses the opportunity to become a common denominator in a fractured aspect of all that seeks to heal itself at the core point of light.

These incoming cosmic bursts will take you out of your comfort zone, making you look at all categories and genres, that you never thought you would address. They will bring forth deep cellular memories that seek the light of day. Humans waste so much time being afraid and mad at everything and everyone around them. Pointing fingers at parents, presidents, and past lives, not taking responsibility for any of their creations.

The Ennead ‘Council of 9” was birthed on the 999 last year, a Council of Nine ‘little and big G gods’. Like a godly wind chime a clarion trumpet sounded silently lifting earth out of an upcoming pitfall that was dark, and risky. The Ennead bring Sparks of Truth on a Trail of Starlight. There are very few pure bloods left in the Heavenly Kingdom except for those that stand close to the Source. Messages from deep space abound planet Earth, opening the eyes of even those in a deep sleep.

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