Zuckerberg Admits mRNA Jabs Are Deadly [Video]

Zuckerberg Admits mRNA Jabs Are Deadly Sean Adl-Tabatabai – Incriminating new evidence has come to light showing a major discrepancy between what Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was saying in private about the mRNA jabs, and what his company did publicly to censor users who attempted to discuss the deadly truth about them.

In the early days of the Pandemic, before Operation Warp Speed had been launched and the jabs were still just being talked about by then-President Donald Trump, Zuckerberg warned Facebook executives in a private meeting that they needed to be extremely cautious about mRNA injections because “we just don’t know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people’s DNA and RNA.” Continue reading

Project Veritas: Facebook whistleblowers reveal massive effort to censor users to ease ‘vaccine hesitancy’

vaccineJenny Goldsberry – Two anonymous whistleblowers from Facebook reportedly came forward to Project Veritas to reveal that the social media platform is newly curbing content surrounding vaccine concerns. They have also leaked internal documents allegedly proving that an algorithm to censor these posts is in the works.

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