Trump, the NY Times, and fake news

TrumpJon Rappoport – Major newspapers will, now and then, break big stories. But then they’ll walk away from them. The follow-up leads are obvious. But no. Those leads would result in some serious revelations about important people. So forget it. It’s one and done—

We’re in the middle of an escalating information-war.

Trump and Sulzberger, the NY Times publisher, meet, talk, and then launch charges at each other. Sulzberger claims Trump’s attacks on MSM could result in violence against journalists.

Like him or hate him, Trump is threatening the media monopoly as no other modern president has.

Social media are shadow-banning and censoring voices perceived as pro-Trump.

I thought I’d boil a few things down and simplify them for AG Sulzberger, the 37-year-old publisher of the Times. Continue reading