DOJ, FBI, IRS Interfered With Hunter Biden Probe

DOJ, FBI, IRS Interfered With Hunter Biden ProbePatriot Mom Digest – On Thursday, the House Ways and Means Committee released testimony from two IRS whistleblowers, who said the Justice Department, FBI and IRS interfered with the investigation of the tax evasion case against Hunter Biden. They stated that, through ‘delaying, divulging, and denying’ the probe, that federal officials protected President Biden’s son.

Reportedly, according to Committee Chairman Jason Smith, (R) MO., that testimony Continue reading

The FBI is Now a Democrat SuperPAC

The FBI is Now a Democrat SuperPACBrian C. Joondeph, M.D. – The FBI’s mission is “To protect the American people and uphold the U.S. Constitution.” Their motto is “Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity”.

How is the FBI doing on these fronts?

What are they protecting the American people from? Are they upholding the Constitution? Who is their fidelity to? Do they act with integrity?

The current FBI fails on all these counts. They have morphed from the premier law enforcement agency in the world to a Democrat party superPAC. Continue reading

It’s Past Time To Put An End To The FBI’s Gestapo Tactics

Rein in the FBI: Put an End to the FBI’s Gestapo TacticsJohn W. Whitehead – “One of the creeping hands of totalitarianism running through the democracy is the Federal Bureau of Investigation… Because why does the FBI do all this? To scare the hell out of people… They work for the establishment and the corporations and the politicos to keep things as they are. And they want to frighten and chill the people who are trying to change things.”—Howard Zinn, historian

Power corrupts. We know this.

In fact, we know this from experience learned the hard way at the hands of our own government. Continue reading

Dozens of FBI agents come forward to blow the whistle

 'Dozens' of agents have come forward to blow the whistle on FBI

The two former agents, Thomas Baker and Nicole Parker, spoke on their experiences while working at the FBI. Parker said that she is enduring the stress of “putting a target” on her back and testifying to speak on behalf of “numerous current and former bureau employees who feel similarly that they do not have a voice.”

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan opened the hearing with an overview of FBI whistleblowers, amounting to “dozens and dozens” of individuals. Continue reading